B&K 307 vs. Denon 5800 Debate

Thank you to those of you who helped me earlier. So my decission is narrowed down to the B&K 307 and Denon 5800 and boy is it a tough choice. Both seem great for HT. The B&K probably edges on stereo sonics due to the room equalization feature and has a great build quality, but the Denon has the nice NEO 6 Music feature which sounds good. Tough trade-off. Does anyone wish to share their experiences, regrets, thoughts about how these two products compare? Thanks.
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The support for B&K is unanimous. I too think (hope) there will be an updgrade to DTS:6 Discrete and DTS NEO6. I don't think I will be unhappy either way, but choosing the B&K would be a little easier if Robert Harley had not written such a glowing review of the Denon 5800 in this month's Perfect Vision.
I DEFINITLY prefer the Denon piece. It has way more thrust an dynamics than the B&K. The Neo6 and those sound modes shouldnt really matter when purchasing an AVReceiver. Its like buying a car. don't choose one just because it was the one with the cupholders. the cupholders. get the one that has the performance where it counts. The Denon has the best processing and amplifier engineering.
I lean towards the B&K (actually I have one on order at the moment) but its a tough call. Yes, Denon has nice processors (they use the 24 bit SHARC throughout), but B&K is the alpha test site for all Motorola chips--a nice advantage. So much so that they are frequently first to market with new surround technology. Additionally, regarding flexibilty, B&K are much more easily upgradeable than is the Denon (inluding a serial port right on the unit to upgrade from your PC). Lastly if you like the idea of multi-speaker stereo, B&K's stereo-7 channel is a bit more flexible in allowing you to convert your THX rear center speaker pair into a stereo pair for music( in conjunction with your side speakers, if you have them)---the Denon does not (it has spkr terminals for "rear center" and they are essentially ONLY for movies) . Best of luck!
If it must be one of these two receivers, go for the B&K 307 but do yourself a favor and try the Marantz SR-18 or if you prefer the SR-18EX. Audio quality of this unit is FAR superior to the B&K. I used to LOVE the B&K and compared it to many Marantz products since they were sitting in the same room as the B&K. The B&K was clearly better than ANY of the Lower end (sub SR-18) receivers. But.. one day I ventured into the other room and found the SR-18 and even without an A/B comparison, I could tell the Marantz SR-18 was better. Fuller, richer, more detailed sound, no harsh brassy highs, and transparency not common in this price range. Now I understand why they keep that Marantz SR-18 in the other room.... Because it would be impossible to sell a B&K with it around. To make matters even more interesting, the B&K was hooked up to B&W N-805 speakers and the Marantz in the other room used "in wall" B&W speakers. Clearly the B&K had the advantage of sounding better but still did not. I was heartbroken at the time and I felt stupid for thinking so highly of the B&K. Anyhow.. this is my experience and I hope that you can use this information to your benefit.
I own the 202 and i am very happy with it.I listened to the 5800 and 307 at the same dealer and prefer the 307.I drove a block away and listened to the marantz flagship model and prefer the 307 over that also.Considering the b&k receivers are upgradable and the others are not,i do not even see this as a decision,it is a no brainer.all the other brands will be outdated steel boxes in two or three years,while the b&k units will be state of the art.