SET-Cary, Unison, Wavelength, Other ?

Looking to purchase a SET amp(s) with flexibility to drive most speakers to reasonable listening levels without limiting my future purchase of speakers to monitors or just a few brands. Hope find great midrange, tight bass and open top end. I estimate 30-50 watts per side is necessary. Any thoughts or suggestions in brand or models that fit this broad range ?
If you can afford them the Wavac's from Japan ar absolutely incredible. The big HE-833 is the best amp I've ever heard by a huge margin. It can drive my Soundlabs with ease and the sound is hard to describe. When you something that s better than everything eals hands down its hard to say anything other than 'perfect'> Take a look at Wavac. the importer site is
Try the Antique Soundlab 805 Explorer - 50watts/channel. The Cary 805 C - 50watts/channel. The Wavac HE 833 is absolutely incredible in every way but it will hurt your bank balance.
The Art Audio Jota is "only" 20 watts per channel, but it is a high current SET, and played my Merlin VSM-SEs just as loudly as the 50 watt Cary 805C's could. You'd be surprised how loud speakers 90dB efficient/8 ohm, or better, will play with 9 or 10 watts. I drove the Merlins with the fabulous Fi X3 300B SET, 9.5 watts per channel, as loudly as I'd ever want on almost all music I ever listen to. The only time it ran out of gas was on some very high dynamic range (and listening level) classical LPs of full orchestral range.