Best HT speaker system

I am building a dedicated HT room (movies and sports only)- the room is 20' x 40' X 8' - what speaker systems would be the very best - I wish to install rears, sides, LCR and two subs and an LFE sub - my electonics are Theata Dreadnaught amp(s) with a Lexicon MC-1
Go Talon Audio speakers. They are among the best. If money were no object, I'd get the Talon Khoruses for front and rears, the Peregrine for the center channel and two ROC subwoofers. MSRP about $40k
I had considered using Kef model 4's as fronts, w/ model 2's in the rears, but my space is just too small. You have plenty of room, but make sure you are on very solid ground,(preferrably concrete) because these speakers can put out a lot of energy. A sub may not even be necessary, depending on your tastes. But if you want to wake the neighbors then by all means add a sub.
All those are nice, but if you want great dynamics and incredible smoothness, go with the Linn AV system, it's amazing. If you've got more money than you know what to do with, the Revel Ultima series if impossible to beat, but the #38,000 price kind of is out of my reach!
I use all clzIIz for front and rears as well as a logos. I appreciate how electrostatics can deliver at low volumes across the sonic spectrum. I have two velodyne subs @ 50 hz for the bottom end. I am using cardas neutral reference speaker cable, a mc1, and a krell kav-500. I have used the apm-1 genesis (2 pairs) with the logos, but found nothing can touch an electrostatic for great fidelity at low volume. The genesis setup is now used for very loud ht and music in my other, less used, room.
i saw and heard several jm lab ht systems at ces. they have a very large selection and their "big" stuff is as impressive as grand utopias on 2-channel. they are beautiful, too. well worth auditioning.