vac or art audio

can sombody help me decide im looking at art audio diavolo or the vac 30 30 my speakers are silver line sonatinas and ra cd 55 i have not heard either one ,just going by reveiws i did audtion the vtl tiny triodes and thoght they were just great. could the art or the vac be that much better at three times the price? please help
Hi Kelleyann. I have a pair of Coincident super eclipse that work well with small power tube amps just like your sonatinas. The diavolo is the best of the amps you have mentioned. I just bought a Viva 13w integrated and I cant believe the power and drive this amp has. This Viva has replaced my Cary 805c. It performs better than any amp I have heard. If Viva price tag is too steep then go for the diavolo. You will love it.
I'm using the VaC pa 35/35 (32 wpc) EL-34 triode amp. This amp is not directly heated like the 30/30. I feel it mates very well w/my Sonatinas. I've heard the 30/30 MK II, feeling they were the best amps I've heard-period. But the other amps mentioned are great too. You'll never know till you listen w/them at home, have fun...I'm sure you will. E-MAIL when you have decided. mike
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The last amp I owned was a VAC 30/30 Mk 3. I now own the Art Audio Jota. I was using the VAC with Von Scweikert VR6 speakers. I am using the Art Audio with Talon Khorus speakers. Both are terrific amps, but the Jota has tighter bass, is more neutral in the midrange, and has more focus. It is also more expensive. The Diavolo has similar qualities, but with less power. VAC amps tend to be a little darker than the Art Audio. Depending on your speakers and system, this could an advantage. You can't go wrong with either one...just depends on your taste and system. The Art Audio Diavolo is going to be somewhat harder to match up with speakers that can take that massive 13 watts of power, even if it does sound like more. If your can afford a Jota, it's more of a no-brainer. Resale value is better with the VAC. Sold mine in a day. Lots of Diavolos out there. The VAC is just more versatile. It's also fairly easy to get a deal on a new VAC. I paid about $4200. for mine brand new. Customer service for either is outstanding. Art is moving to this country, but already has great US representation. You can add a volume control to the Art products, if that appeals to you.