Single-ended amps with Martin Logans

I own a pair of Aerius Martins and want to go for the singled ended amps has anyone out there tried this combo? I am considering Audio Electronics AE-1 Signature ( 5 watts ) or perhaps a Bottlehead ( 3.5 watts) Any other advice? I did listen to the new Klipsh and they sound great but really don't want to part with my Aerius at the same time I thik the sound would be better that my Aerius with my Rogue 88 that I'm using.
Hi Nick! I just sold a Placette active line stage. It is one of the best pre-amps I've ever had. Read the reviews on it in TAS and Soundstage. The remote volume control was reviewed awhile back in TAS. They said it was very transparent, but did what all passives do....soften the dynamics and compress at high volume.
SF: Carl said that his Bottleheads are on back order which may sway me to the preassembled Decware. I already have the purchase of a SET preapproved with my better half "just stop talking about the dammed thing and buy it". Plus I just sold a painting that we mutually agreed to part with (it's been stored in a closet for the past couple of years) for $500.00, so it's kind of a freebie the way I look at it. I would like to listen to some better SET's though before I commit myself and would also like to check out Antique Sound Labs, another low cost alternative. Carl by the way will be demoing my extra set of Homegrown interconnects. I chose Carl because of his no holds barred take on gear. He has never been afraid to give his not always favorable opinion of cherished equipment and I look forward to his comment's on the Homegrown cables as I feel that the low price will not influence his evaluation of them. Other than Trelja not too many people have had comments about these cables probably due to their low cost when compared to like products. I myself find that I prefer them to my Truthlink cables which happen to be a very good match with my equipment, but the Homegrown's just take it up a notch ot two on decent recordings.
Dammit! I was just about to offer you, to buy one of my paintings, so i can upgrade my hi-end! Well, next time. P.S. What kind of painting was to "sit" in the closet?
Hi Eldragon: I collect mainly Haitian Art as well as some work by Xavier Cugat who was a painter as well as a bandleader, but also anything that both of us like and can afford. We ran out of wall space years ago but I kept buying out of habit. I have financed my entire hifi system as well as our last two major car repairs with the sale of stored paintings that did not make the wall space cut as well as selling off vintage CA and French wine that I can no longer drink. I just kept a dozen bottles or so for special gifts and occasions and my wife also does not drink. Don't get the wrong impression that we are well off though. We drive old old old cars, rarely eat out and have only been to a movie theatre once in nine years of marriage. This is just to say that we have different priorities than many of our friends - art and books instead of cars and clothes etc. and now hifi gear instead of closet art. Who knows I could even become an audiophile some day if this strange behavior continues.
I know, i was just kidding! On books, i would like to suggest John Fante! Long forgotten, american writer, but thanks to the Charles Bukowski(also recommended)and the "Black Sparrow" press new prints are available, from the same: Ask the dust, Wait 'till the spring Bandini, Dago red..etc,etc! He is better than Hemingway! Also his son Dan Fante: Chump change!...superb!