CD and Speakers for a Jolida 302?

I have just bought a Jolida amp and am looking for a CD and speakers for under $1000 combined. Any suggestions. CDs on Audiogon that might qualify appear to be CAL Ikon, Marantz CD63 and 67, Rega Planet. Speakers include, B&W 6 series (which don't thrill me), Dynaudio 50s, Paradigm... Room is 10x12x8 and listening preferences are jazz, accoustic stuff, pop. Thanks for any suggestions.
When I auditioned the triangles, I really thought that they'd pair well with a Jolida setup like you describe. I haven't heard the combination, but would definitely try them out in your position.
Check out the Sep/Oct edition of listener magazine where they cover a bunch of speakers in the $600 price range, all efficient, and would work fine with your tube amp. I'm a little puzzled by your system building approach, buying the amp first. Usually one finds a speaker they like (one of the hardest things to do) and then an amp for a satisfying match. Good luck.
Pops: I always forget about the Acoustic Energy Aegis One's when people ask about speakers because they are so inexpensive ($300.00) retail. They are good little speakers. I have heard them with a Jolida, the 500 model can't remember the exact number, and they would be a good match considering your room size. They should be pretty easy to find and audition and would free up more cash for the source. They do not sound like $300.00 speakers. They are not flashy sounding and would be good for the long haul and or listening session.
POPS: I owned a 302 a couple of years ago. First, I matched it with NHT's Super Ones, then Super Zeros. I enjoyed the combination quite a bit with a JVC 1050. I then bought a pair of JM Labs Daline 3.1's. The synergy between the Jolida and JM's was astonishing. You can still find 3.1's out there for around $500. If you can find 'em, you won't regret a purchase. Happy hunting.