Integrated for around 1K to match with..

Looking for suggestions on an itegrated amp to go with a Denon DVD-2500 as trans. Bel Canto DAC-1 and a pair of Coincident Triumph Signatures. I currently have a set of Rogue M-120's and an Anthem Pre1L, but would like to free up some space. Hunt
Recommend you proceed with caution. At MRSP, you will give up sound quality in switching to an integrated at the $1,000 price level. Would recommend stretching to $1,500 at which Audio Research CA50 (used) are attainable. Musical Fidelity also makes some highly rated units at this price point. Also saw a posting today for a Goldmund integrated for, I believe, $1,300. If you're a tube lover, the Goldmund may not be to you taste, but it's a very high quality unit. Good luck.
Hwy: this is the second post mentioning the availability of the AR integrated being available used at around $1500.00. I see them more in the $2300.00 to 2500.00 price range. I do however see the Conrad Johnson CAV50 used in the $1700.00 to 1850.00 range occasionaly. Of the three including the Rouge's I have only auditioned the CJ amp which I enjoyed (had a less modern "less clinical" sound) and thought was very musical. I did listen to the AR once, but just very briefly. AES (Cary) made an intergrated (a couple of years ago) that retailed for around $1500.00, is anyone familiar with it? There is also the Moon SS integrated that retails for around $1300.00 (I think). Also the Audion pseudo SET (12 watts per) amp the Sterling, that has a volume pot and can run one source without the addition of a preamp ($1100.00 to 1200.00 new). The Sterling will also accept a wide variety (different types) of output tubes. In another thread Dragon is also looking for a quality (detailed) tube integrated in/around the $1000.00 to $1500.00 price range. There might be more info there.
I defer to Dekay as to the price of used AR CA50. My info on its price was from the other post.
Don't know if it is a match for your system, but the Audio Refinement Complete is the best $1000 (MSRP) integrated I have ever heard. I've seen its big brother the YBA Integre DT go used on eBay a number of times for around $1,000 to $1,100 including this week.