Bryston 4B ST Opinions Needed Please

I'm going to upgrade my amp, currently Acurus 250. What do you think of the Bryston 4B St. My budget is $1500 used and I would like at least 200 watts into 8ohms. Any suggestions on other amps also greatly appreciated. I prefer SS or integrated. Thank you for your help. Rick
I'm another very satisfied owner of a 4BST. It truly is just an amplifier. By this I mean that it really does not have its own sonic signature. It takes its input signal, and adds voltage and current faithfully, and in some cases with brutal honesty. I'm a classical recording engineer that values linearity and reliability. The Bryston will always be my reference.
Here are your contenders in this price range: Aragon 8008BB, Bryston 4BST, Classe (can't recall the model number), McCormack DNA 1 (not quite 200 watts @ 8 ohms) If your willing to spend a little more there's the Krell KAV250. I'm sure others will offer more. All these are great amps w/ loyal followers. Check out
I can't compare Bryston to all the other numerous solid state choices out there, but I'd agree with Mountainking that if ou can do better than a 4B-ST you're going to have to spend somej VERY serious money. That doesn't mean the other amps mentioned by P_mmk aren't worthy of consideration. I do think, though, that if you've got less than $2K available to buy a used amp, you're going to be pretty happy with any of the ST series components (or the matching preamps).
I replaced my Adcom 5500 amp last spring with a Bryston 4B-ST, and I am continually amazed at the improvement in sound quality. Every aspect of the audio quality is greatly improved -- transparency, deep bass control, detail, transient response, etc. I have both owned and heard more expensive amps than the Bryston, but none better it. Throw in a unconditional, transferrable 20-year warranty, and you've got a great product. You may not be aware that Bryston also manufactures the Lexicon product line of home theater equipment -- which ought to give you a gauge of their product quality. Before you buy your amp used, may I suggest you contact the man that sold me my Bryston. His name is Danny Oovlin, and he owns "Bestofdeal", a clicks-and-mortar high-end audio business in Santa Clara, CA. Danny offers very professional service and excellent prices (usually much below MSRP). The easiest way to initially contact Danny is by E-mail at: "". I plan to buy several more Bryston products from Danny this spring (SP-1, and 5B-ST amp), and recommend him highly.
My amp of choice until the Marsh came out. Read my recent posting on the Marsh in a recent thread (Marsh vs. Odyssey). Compared to the Marsh the Bryston has thinner highs (read more compressed), less bass control and a less refined midrange. Still, these are nuances: if you value a manufacturers long term commitment and track record over just the sound you might pick the Bryston.