Preamp HELP!!! for Pass Aleph 3

I have a Pass Aleph 3 and Proac Response 1SC, Red Dawn speaker cable. I currently have a choice of Naim CD 3.5, SF SFCD-1, and Conrad Johnson DV2b. I have Cardas Golden Cross between my BAT VK3i preamp and the Pass, and Red Dawn between the CD player and the BAT. Does anyone know a better full function preamp I could be using? Which CD player would you use? Or any system modifications I could make?
I'm selling a CAT SL-1 III with Phono for a firm $2600, but you don't mention LP's as a source, and if you're not playing them, and especially if you have only one source, I should mention that I've used a DIY passive preamp very successfully with the Aleph 3, and Nelson Pass told me that many other customers of his have too, despite its low gain and lowish input impedance. You can EASILY put together a better passive preamp than anything commercial that I've read about: a ladder stepped attenuator using excellent resistors and excellent switches (dual mono, gives you a balance control too, if you use those things). My passive sounds a lot better with CD's than my CAT. But it wasn't clear from your posting what you find unsatisfactory about your present setup. How do you expect another preamp to be better? What do you feel that you're lacking now?
Wow! You have a very similar setup to mine. I am using a Pass Aleph P, Aleph 2 monoblocks, Audio Physic Virgos, red dawn cabling, and a sony xa7es cd player. I have some questions for you! 1. How do you like the conrad-johnson tube dac compared to the SF and your solid state Naim ? I'm thinking of adding some tubeness to my digital front end 2. Have you come to any conclusions on the red dawn verses cardas cabling ? On preamps: The wadia 830 without a preamp sounded great when I heard it directly (via xlr) into a volksamp 30(same as pass aleph 3), and your model of proac speakers. I recently replaced my adcom gfp 750 (for sale on audiogon!) with the pass aleph P. I did an a/b comparison and found that the adcom (in passive mode) had about 95% of the sound quality of the active aleph P w/gain turned all the way down. I understand they are both from the same basic nelson pass design. I would guess it's the parts quality and 1/2" thick metal chassis of the $4000 Pass that causes it to outperform the $1250 adcom. Earlier this year, I had demoed an audible illusions 3a, and found that the adcom was superior. The ai added a little euphony, but took away a significant amount of detail compared to the passive adcom. The sterling quality of the alephs is their ultra-quietness and incredible clarity. A matching ultra-quiet preamp seemed to be 'enhance' this quality.
I use a Rogue Audio 99 with phono stuffed full of Telefunkens.With my Aleph-3 I get a monster of a soundstage,deep,tight bass and pristine highs.The mids are very tonally pure.My only problem is some slight upper mid forwardness.I think that will be corrected with better speaker cables which I am working on now.Some Kimber 8TC on loan have helped a bit but not enough.Next up Harmonic Technology Pro-11's
I was pleased with the sound of the Pass 3 used with the Audible Illusions 3A. I'd still be listening to that pair if I did not currently have speakers that require more power.