Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less

I'm auctioning off my Aragons to put towards the purchase of 'my last amp'. Wondering what people think. I have a Krell HTS as a preamp and Dynaudio 3.3's as mains. All I'm concerned with at this time is two channel sound...home theater can take a back seat for a while. My 'short' list is made up of Mark Levinson 335 or 336,Krell FPB300C or perhaps the FPB600c if I can find a deal,Classe 401, Plinius SA250. My musical tastes lean towards classic rock and jazz.What do you think?
I'm pretty darned happy with my Pass Aleph P and mono 2s setup. Great soundstaging, dead quiet, natural midrange, forgiving yet detailed, and ultrareliable; fun-to-use remote, too! Should net out around $5-5.5k used. GREAT synergy between pre and monos. Possibly less bass slam than you might want for high SPL rock with inefficient speakers, but I'm continually thrilled with 88dB/w 3-ways playing lots of acoustic jazz. (Heard Charles Lloyd's latest: Water is Wide?) Good Luck.
I'm using KRC-HR and ML335 with B&W N802. I haven't been happier. I used to have a KSA-200S which I got rid of in favour of ML. I'm 80% jazz, 20% classic. Again, this is what works for me (in my room, my front end, cables, etc etc). Which might - or might not - work for you.
Without any doubt I would grab a pair of Pass Labs X600 monoblocks. They are terrific and you can find them used for under $10k. The Classe Omega is also very realistic.