Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less

I'm auctioning off my Aragons to put towards the purchase of 'my last amp'. Wondering what people think. I have a Krell HTS as a preamp and Dynaudio 3.3's as mains. All I'm concerned with at this time is two channel sound...home theater can take a back seat for a while. My 'short' list is made up of Mark Levinson 335 or 336,Krell FPB300C or perhaps the FPB600c if I can find a deal,Classe 401, Plinius SA250. My musical tastes lean towards classic rock and jazz.What do you think?
I'm using KRC-HR and ML335 with B&W N802. I haven't been happier. I used to have a KSA-200S which I got rid of in favour of ML. I'm 80% jazz, 20% classic. Again, this is what works for me (in my room, my front end, cables, etc etc). Which might - or might not - work for you.
Without any doubt I would grab a pair of Pass Labs X600 monoblocks. They are terrific and you can find them used for under $10k. The Classe Omega is also very realistic.
I have the same setup as subaruguru. Dead dead quiet with no distortion, dimensionally accurate soundstage, and an incredibly detailed midrange. You hear singer's every breath, and things like people brushing their hair back or brushing against an instrument. The krell FPB, KAV, LEVINSON 23.5, and my old dna1/Gold all had a transistor 'background noise' by comparison. It's almost not worth mentioning. I didn't know it was there until I'd heard a pass amp. These amps are a little wimpy in the bass. Not even close to my house shaking DNA1. My vt100m2 actually walks all over them for bass. The pass preamp did take the system up a notch. More of the quietness and with a better soundstage. What cables are you using subaruguru? Did you find XLR's to help a lot? I have red dawns rca's. A guy I know who uses dynaudio 3.0's commented that the alephs were a great match for his system. He had tried a plinius and found it was not as good. Another great solid state setup is all spectral w/MIT cables. One of my friends has that. Could be warmed up a little, but ruthlessly revealing with great depth. Hey Jtinn, are you in Portland?
Do yourself a favor and check out Gryphon and Goldmund for solidstate excellence as well. They may not have the advertising budget and therefore name recognition of some of those mentioned, but are sonically superior IMHO. I'd also agree with Pass recommendations. Though I also like Spectral/MIT, the combination costs could easily push you past your budget. Caveat: Though I suggest these ss units, I'm a total tube believer. Goodluck.
Check out Aloia's with inductive power supply. You can buy one new for less than 4k. They are relatively new on US market. In my system they have been the best I've heard compared to the Levinson334,Cary slm200's and the Wolcott Presence and these amps were 2 and 3 times the price. Lars fredell also had a review that they bested $30k in Lamm gear