Best new amp under $2k?

After reading a spirited review of McCormack's DNA-125 and Belles Hotrod 150A in December's Stereophile I am interested in what you think is the best in this category. The biggest attraction to this class of amp (under $2k) is the value everyone seems to talk about. You know, 80-90% of the performance of the big boys at a third of the cost. Any and all thoughts are welcome.
If you can use a combination of new and used I would pick up a used McCormack DNA 1 for about $1,000 and send it to Steve McCormack for his B upgrade. With shipping etc. you would be under yor price cap and have an amp that will outperform many higher priced amps. I have both a Steve McCormack upgraded DNA 1 amp and ALD 1 pre amp and am extremely pleased.
All of the amps mentioned are fine performers I'm sure. There's no shortage of high value performance now it seems. While I haven't heard all of those mentioned and can't make meaningful personal comparisons, I am very pleased with the sound of my Belles 150 Hot Rod. Coupled with a Music Reference RM5III tube preamp and Maggie 1.6qr's, it exhibits all the attributes mentioned in Stereophile in abundance. It's an extremely pleasing and musical amp.
right at $2k is conrad johnson's mv55. while it's at the top end of your specified range, it's a wonderfully musical amp, 45 wpc (in ultralinear)powered by a pair of el34's on each side. it's been a sereophile class b reccommened component for years. i absolutely loved mine. when i purchased it, i compared it to (among others) an 85 watt offering from vtl. that may be worth a listen too. good luck.
I use KT 88.Sovtek.I tried KT90 but they where a bad set so i never did really find out what they could sound like.I have put Amprex 12AX7NOS in them this was a nice upgrade.My Rogue 88 had 6550C Svetlana and sounded very nice. I have Coincident IC from my sources TT/CD.I have a Audioquest Quartz from Pre to Amp and i am getting Coincident Speakers cables.I had a set for trial and i have now purchased a pair on this site and will get them this week.I have Super Conquests.Which speakers do you use.
It really depends on your other equipment which one will work for you. Sam Tellig did a good job of expalining the differences, while he prefers the Musical Fidelity A3CR amp, he explains why others may like the McCormack DNA 125 or Belles Hot Rod 150. Actually he had 3 of the best SS amps for under $2,000 together for comparison.