Best tube int amp match for ML Aerius

Looking at purchasing a new system based around the ML Aerius. Any suggestions on a good integrated tube amplifier and speaker cables that match well and could drive these speakers?
Two tube intergrated amps come to mind,one is by Conrad-Johnson,about 45 to 50 wpc,uses EL-34s,and should drive the Aerius,the other is made by Audio Research,has 50 wpc and should definitly drive the Aerius.I tried a C-J MV-52 on a pair of Sequels and they fell short,but figuring that the Aerius are smaller this should be no problem.I feel that C-J and Logans match well with each other,as far as speaker cables try Audioquest or the Granite cables.Good luck
I suggest that you do not limit yourself to an integated amp. By going to separate pre and power amps you will (1) give yourself much more choice in the matter and (2) give yourself more flexibility in developing your system down the road. There a lot of very, very good moderately powered tube amps that come up for sale. These also happen to be the best bang for the buck and have more than enough power to drive your speakers. (Great deals can be had on used high quality pre's, too.) You are on the right track, as Logans dig tubes. You should make the rounds and listen to different products just to get a reference point. It's hard to buy based on other folks recommendations if you haven't had a chance to listen to what each manufacturer's products sound like -- and they do sound different. (Check out some of the lively debate on this site.) You should have no problem finding dealers currently selling ARC, CJ, Sonic Fronters, VAC, etc. Good luck.
I have owned separates in the past (VAC and AR components). It's been a while since I been up to date on audio gear. I just don't want to fall into the cycle of upgrading and changing too many components. My goal is simplicity.