BAT Equipment vs Audio Research

Has anyone auditioned BATs VK 75SE and 50SE. How does this equipment compare with the Audio Research line? I am only soliciting opinions. I know everyone has different tastes and one must trust their own ears. However, different perspectives, by knowledgeable people, is always helpful.
Thanks for all the input. I personally like the BAT equipment, and am trying to set up an A/B comparison, as I think this is the true test for a decision this important. Critics of BAT say its euphonic, rounds off highs, and lacks strong Bass. I thought the BAT was very musical when I listened to it. Others tell me the ARC equipment, while better than SS, is cold and dry in the midrange. One friend called it the Krell of tube amps --all power and no soul. I plan on comparing the 150SE to the ARC 300s. I think they are both great amps with different sounds. Hopefully, when I A/B the two it will be a easy decision. I previously owned ARC 600s II.
Pipes- I currently power Eidolons with ARC REF 300 MKII's which I found more pleasing than the 600's. Of all the amps I trialed, with my particular configuration this was an outstanding pairing. I've listened to BAT's, but not the 150's. I'd be interested in your impression vis-a-vie the REF 300's if you get that opportunity. In my setup the 300's have soul and bloom in spades, Krell as a comparison is the last thing I would think of. Immensely powerful but extremely musical. The only thing I've heard as musical and lifelike are the large Atma-Spheres, which are also stupendous. I personally preferred the 300's, again system mating and personal tastes must be accounted for. Sounds like win/win whichever direction you go. Have a hoot, and let me know the results of your A/B'ing. Cheers, Mark
I'll post the results of the A/B. While I liked the 600s, many people have told me the 300s sound better. The 600s generated too much heat and had too much power consumption for my small apt. I own Watt/Puppy sixes with M/L front end. I am glad someone finally spoke up for ARC. Mainstream does not necessarily mean inferior. Most people do not have experience with ARC Ref. gear, which I believe is on a higher level than VTM 200s and VT 200s. I am worried the BATS won't handle symphonic passages as well as the ARCs. I loved to listen to piano on my 600s. Orchestral music played on the 600s had extended highs and great inner detail. I need the weight and authority power provides.
It's been said, but it depends on your ears -- I prefer the ARC products.... I have the LS-25, VT-100, DAC3MKII, CD2 and Avalon Eidolons. I have heard the BAT gear (in my home AB comparison with the ARC) and for the $$ IMHO I think there is still trade-offs with BAT... In regards to a poster about REF300 vs. REF600 -- the 300s do sound better on the Eidolons.... BTW -- If you want lush or euphonic out of ARC gear, put some different tubes (KT-88, 90 or 91s and Mullard NOS 6DJ8s) in the ARC products as well as D Type infinicaps in appropriate places and you will achieve a similar effect to the way BAT gear presents its self. My .02
I've heard the BAT 150SE and was very impressed with the low noise floor, which I was told has much to do with its balanced topology. I was also told BATs power tranformers store large amounts of current and this helps dynamics. In addition, the BATs supposably use higher quality parts.