BAT Equipment vs Audio Research

Has anyone auditioned BATs VK 75SE and 50SE. How does this equipment compare with the Audio Research line? I am only soliciting opinions. I know everyone has different tastes and one must trust their own ears. However, different perspectives, by knowledgeable people, is always helpful.
Don't get me wrong, I never really noticed a problem with the ARC 600s midrange. However, this was my first tube amp. and I always wondered whether there existed more esoteric products that would bring listening to another level. More expensive equipment usually translates into finer differences and more difficult choices.
Hi Pipes, A thing you might want to keep in mind about the BAT amps is that eventually you can run 4 of them. This would double the wattage, joules, and cuts the output impedance of the amps in half. Im sure this would take care of any concerns about the frequency extremes and dynamic peaks. I recently talked to a dealer who carries both BAT and Atma-Spheres and he likes the BAT more. Posters with Eidolons, please post your opinions of how well the VK-150se drive them in comparisons to other amps you might have tried. Thanks to all, Tom
The ARC Reference equipment is more power than their other products with little or no difference sonically. If you guys want to be impresssed by a company putting the "reference" label on their equipment and fall for it go right ahead. The differences between the VT200 and REF 300 comes from one being a stereo amp and one being monoblocks. There is a bit bigger soundstage and slightly better control in difficult passages of music, but that is where it ends. The ARCs still have the "thin, cold, sizzly house sound." I am not an ARC basher, I actually like the products, but after listening to the BAT equipment, I realize that ARC misses the boat when it comes to reproducing the sound. It is of course about system matching and the Eidilons have a very complex cross-over which makes it difficult to drive. 300 watts may be what those speakers need to drive them effectively where the BATs may be slightly under powered for those speakers. I would bet the farm that if you stacked 2 sets of BAT VK-150SEs, they would spank the ARCS.
Dear Mr. Pipes, All I can say is I envy your ability to afford such great equipment. If you live remotely close to me, I will supply the fine wine in exchange for an evening of music on your system. Is you home anywhere near Wisconsin?
I have the money, but I cannot really afford them. My wardrobe is atrocious, and I have been putting off buying a mountain bike for four years. Having a high end system to home to is comparable to a kid waking up every day and discovering its Christmas morning.