BAT Equipment vs Audio Research

Has anyone auditioned BATs VK 75SE and 50SE. How does this equipment compare with the Audio Research line? I am only soliciting opinions. I know everyone has different tastes and one must trust their own ears. However, different perspectives, by knowledgeable people, is always helpful.
I have the money, but I cannot really afford them. My wardrobe is atrocious, and I have been putting off buying a mountain bike for four years. Having a high end system to home to is comparable to a kid waking up every day and discovering its Christmas morning.
I forgot to mention Audiojerry, I would gladly take up your offer but I live in California.
Hi Jtinn, IMO the VK60 mono's already ( if I may borrow your words) spanked the ARC VT200. When I did the comparisons the ARC had a grainy sand like midrange compared to the BAT. Dynamic shifts from pp to fff and anything between much to my surprise was faster and more startling with the BAT. Soundstage was also deeper and wider with the BAT with images that had AIR which gave them a sense of reality. For me the VK60's had the "magic" the ARC couldn't touch. The only area where the ARC outperformed the BAT was in overall dynamic peaks for a sustained period of time. Even in the bass while the ARC had more punch the BAT had better texture, space, and detail of the instrument in ?. Beleive I wanted to like the ARC it was a little less money and almost twice the power. The new VK150se from what I've heard from a few others is supposed to be on a whole new level. I look forward to the day when I can hear them in my system. All the best, Tom
Pipes- Good luck and much fun in your endeavors, grabbing new gear is always a rush. Jtinn, to assume one buys ones gear based upon terms such as "reference" or "balanced", for that matter, suggests a very shallow perspective on the hobby. As for power being the only difference in the ARC series, nonsense. The VTM-200 are monoblocks, nearly as powerful as the 300's and if actually listened to, sound different.The 600's are much more powerful, and to my ears just don't sound as good as the 300's, power/control notwithstanding. It's about the music, after all, not the names/terms/amps/ ad infinitum, the cart before the horse. One has to be comfortable with what he/she likes and decides to purchase. I'm thrilled with the incredible aray of high quality gear from which to choose, and applaud the differences in taste in regards to those choices. Rationalizing why someone has chosen differently, in my humble experience, is usually more about dollars than sense.Respectfully.
I to believe that VT200 is not comparable to ARC Reference Gear --even when one takes into consideration the house sound of a particular manufacturer. I know this stuff is unaffordable for most people, like I mentioned above I am not sure I have any business buying it, but I cannot help but think that jealousy influences some people's critiques of very expensive high end gear. Everyone has been very helpful on this post and I am in no way referring to anyone who has contibuted.