Which BAT preamp?

I got enough advice from a fair number of Audiogoners, and I'm getting ready to buy a BAT pre-amp, hopefully used or demo at an attractive price. Sold one of my amps, put my AR SP14, Audio Refinement Complete integrated, Townshend Seismic Sink, and Hitachi tuner up for sale here on Audiogon. That should raise enough cash to get a BAT preamp. I went to BAT's website, had a little trouble figuring out which model(s) I should be looking for. I want a tubed preamp, with a phono section, and perhaps a remote control. Not sure which models fit the bill, and what they'll likely cost me. Any inputs would be much appreciated, thanks for taking the time. Jeff
I don't know about their solid state models, but in their tubed line, you can get a phono stage in the 3 series or the 30 series. The 5 and 50 series will require that you buy an external phono stage. The 30SE and 50SE's are is a supertube versions of the 30 and 50. I have heard that you should audition both SE and non SE. The 30 series is more euphonic, and the 30SE more accurate. I've only heard the 30SE and it's the best preamp I've heard. I'm trying to find out myself how good the 30SE phono stage is compared to an outboard one like I have - an arc ph-3. Any opinions out there on preamp integrated phono stages verses external phono stages. I'm already a three racker !....
This might not be of help to you, but I currently own a BAT VK-20 preamp. It is one of their solid-state models. I used to have a Krell KRC-3, but found that the BAT offer a deeper soundstage and seemed a little more transparent. I have heard that the tube preamps from BAT are some of the best on the market. You have made a wise choice on deciding to buy a BAT preamp, sorry I could not be of much help in advising you which model. I know that on any of their solid-state models you can get an inboard phono stage.
Jeff, I own the BAT VK-30. I purchased it about two years ago and listened to a great deal of pre-amps, tube and solid state, in the $1500-$5000 price range before purchasing it. The VK-30 is stellar. Versus CJ and ARC, it offers the warmth of the CJ and the detail of the ARC equipment. I also looked closely at the VK-20. When heard side-by-side, the VK-30 doesn't lose any of the tightness on the bass or crisp high end, and offers the euphonic midrange presence of tubes. Granted I thought the VK-20 is one of the best s.s. pre-amps out there. As for the SE version, I have heard it and do believe it to be ever so slightly more detailed, but I think it is a marginal improvement given the cost to upgrade it.