Jadis Fidelity

Somebody can tell me we do not see too many Jadis product on Audiogon? What do I have to expect(buy or sell) for a Jadis 100 (E34 Tubes) ? Do Jadis people keep their gears longer?
Jadis presence in the US is probably fairly minute. Not so in Europe, but also here you will find practically no offers on the used market. The reason is the reliability of all gear, their policy of not upgrading every three months, ( think of ARC of yore!!) and the musicality of these products, People who own Jadis gear, no matter what, generally see no reason for changing. The sonic signature has something very seductive. Solo instruments and voices have a tremendous, three dimensional presence, especially via electrostatics or the better horn speakers made here in Europe, and last not least there is just that slight euphonic touch, a combination of very subtle warmth with a slightly exaggerated punch, which can give you the illusion of being there. Then of course first class workmanship and very good looks. Who wants more.... to me that's why you practically do not find them anywhere and if at all, then at exorbitant prices.
The above posts are all accurate. I've owned my pair of Jadis JA80s for about 9 years and my JP80 about 7 or 8, and I can say I've heard many pieces of equipment in my system both before and after buying them that will do one thing or another better than these pieces, but none of which sounded as musically "right" as the Jadis equipment. I stretched my budget each time I bought them, and I haven't regretted it at all. They haven't been completely trouble free, they roll the frequency extremes a little (I've had some mods done to improve that), and they don't give you those instant on/off dynamics you can get from other equipment, but they have clearly been designed by a music lover to sound like what you hear in a concert hall in real life and have a naturalness and continuousness to their sound that makes it easier to imagine you're listening to the original recorded event (as opposed to the master tape). Now if only I could find a catche of MO Valve KT88s and Telefunkens to retube them for the next 20 years....
Oh, by the way, Odiomuse, the JA100s really were designed to run with KT90 tubes; that's the tube for which their transformer was optimized. If you want to use EL34s, as I think you were saying, you might want to look for a used pair of JA80s, which I think sound best with NOS KT88s but which also sound excellent with the EL34s. You may lose a little power with the 80s (I think they get about 40-50 watts with the EL34s), but not that much. Good luck!
Good follow ups, and accurate. Jadis stuff offers long term satisfaction, as other gear might offer certain audiophile checklist advantages without ever sounding more "real". Beautiful gear with high pride of ownership.
I recently sold my Jadis JPL. It was perfectly reliable for 7 years and sounded just fine. Can anyone please comment on the Defy 7 vs. ARC tube amps? Also, a very minor point, but I found the silver and gold finish on my preamp a bit dated over time and the gold surfaces became very smudged and cloudy. Maybe there is a secret to restoring it to its like new lustre but warm water, isopropyl alcohol, a little soap etc did nothing.