Jadis Fidelity

Somebody can tell me we do not see too many Jadis product on Audiogon? What do I have to expect(buy or sell) for a Jadis 100 (E34 Tubes) ? Do Jadis people keep their gears longer?
Glad to see that the comment on Jadis cosmetics and cleaning was of interest to many of you, but could someone please comment on their experience with the Jadis personality, especially compared to ARC? Thank you.
I replaced a pair of ARC Classic 150s with my JA80s, and an SP-11 MkII with a JPL and then the JP80, and have heard most of ARC's current amplifiers and preamps, so I'll try to give you my thoughts. The ARC equipment is excellent, no question about it, some of the best-designed tube equipment out there, but to me has always been on the bright side, sounding just a little "bleached out" in its harmonic presentation compared to the Jadis equipment, which is fuller and richer harmonically; it is closer to solid state sound (and, many would argue, without too much protest from me, neutrality) than the Jadis equipment--check out Detlof's and my first posts on this. The ARC equipment probably has better transient response, and perhaps more transparency due to its brighter tonal balance (here I can't comment on the new KT90-based amps, only on the older design), but I still feel the Jadis reproduces music more like real music in a real acoustic than the ARC equipment. Best example I can give--when I got a Vendetta phono stage back around 1991 or 92, I decided to replace my SP 11 with an ARC LS2 line stage, as I no longer needed the SP 11's phono stage and I figured the LS2 would sound better than the older model. I went to my dealer, and listened to the LS2 at length; it had tremendous detail, speed, I could hear everything on the recording, easily an improvement on my SP 11. I was set to buy it, but the dealer also had a Jadis JPL on display, for far more money, even as a demo, and I asked to listen to it. Within 5 minutes I knew I was going to blow my budget and get the Jadis. The ARC appealed to my mind, the Jadis to my heart and soul. Sounds corny, but that's the best way I can describe it. You should try to give both an audition if you can-- the differences will be plain, I think, and you can decide which sound really is what you are looking for.
I have not owned ARC, but through demos and auditions at audio shops, my impression of the VT 100 and Ref preamp were not satisfying. A bit more analytical or solid- state sounding. Odd, how some manufacturers of tube equipment strive to attain attributes of solid-state, while solid-state designers try to capture the warmth of tubes. Jadis, often labeled warm and colored, portrays a more visceral presentation ( cables, speakers, etc... synergy ), much more than the blanched sound I heard with ARC. Assessing ARC on my four short term experiences remains unsubstatiated, as many have avowed the sound quality is nothing short of spectacular. You may need to get out and listen. Never discount your ancilliary equipment, your room, and of course, your taste. As a sidebar, being a imaging and soundstage freak, no other amp/preamp has expanded my listening room like Jadis electronics.