Jeff Rowland amps, any coments?

I was just curoius on any opinions on Jeff Rowland amps, I am interested in them but do not know that much about them, any coments good or bad?
Recommended. I own their intergrated Concentra amp and it sounds like music (Meridian 508.20 CD player and ProAc 2.5 speakers). I suggest you listen to a Jeff Rowland amp. Bring your best CD's and enjoy the music. cheers..
One of the most musical and better build pieces of electronic gear around.If you look hard you can find some amps. that do certain things better, but you will be hard pressed to find one that does every thing so good. Models 8(not sure about the others) have a very usefull gain switch which is very usefull with Wadia(or other front end that has digital volume control) in driving the amp. directly.They go very well with XLO or JPS cabling.
I have been using Rowland electronics for over ten years and in my opinion Rowland cannot be beat at the longevity in the enjoyment it brings as well as the emotional response it elicits from the music. I does all the normal audiophile things superbly, and then goes one step further to capture the true magic of music.

I don't agree with the Cardas recommendation. I have had tremendous success with Stealth Cables. In my opinion, Rowland and Stealth is a match made in heaven as they are both true to the music in all critical areas.

I am currently using the Rowland Model 112, which is a tremendous amp for the price (or for any price), while I wait for my Model 12s to return from the factory for repair. Rowland electronics are generally extremely reliable, so don't read anything in to the fact that my amps are back at the factory.
What happened to your Model 12s that caused you to send them back for repair? I am considering a Rowland 8Ti so any information about reliability is appreciated.
i've had a jrdg 8ti (upgraded) for >9 years. the only "repair" that's ever been needed is the replacement of bulbs in the power switch. they're built like tanks and last as long as redwoods. well, "redwoods" may be a bit of hyperbole but you get my drift.