Jeff Rowland amps, any coments?

I was just curoius on any opinions on Jeff Rowland amps, I am interested in them but do not know that much about them, any coments good or bad?
I've used Rowland gear for over ten years. Old original Coherence One preamp and Model 7 monoblocs. Very very good sound and completely bulletproof. My preamp and amps have been on (the preamp doesn't even have an "on/off" switch) for over ten years and have performed beautifully and without complaint. Can't say anything first hand about the "new" generation of stuff from Rowland, but their reputation is first rate.

I don't think you can go wrong if you like the sound...
The 12s went back to factory because of failure of the switching power supplies on one and noise from the switching power supplies on the other. The 8 doesn't use switching power supplies.
Yeah, I have a comment: I wish I could afford one! I would love to get the Concentra integrated. One day possibly. JR is some of the finest audio gear in the world at any price. My recommendation: Like Nike says: Just Do It!
I've owned a Model 1 since '93 and am very happy with it. On first listening it seemed laid back, even reticent but with time it simply disappeared to let the music shine thru. It's lonely so I'm looking for a second so I can run them bridged in mono.