Best DVD player for the money?

As I continue to rebuild my aged HT system, it's time for a progressive-scan DVD player. I'm shocked, in the Best Buys of the world, how cheap DVD players are these days. Something tells me I can spend a lot more than $100 if I tried, so I'm wondering what I should be looking for, features-wise, and product-wise.

Note, this is a HT-only system, so music playback isn't a consideration.


You might try describing what your current setup is, what your goals are, and your budget. Without such information, all anyone can do is throw model names at you.

For instance: The Meridian 800 Reference Version 3 DVD player is one of the best, if not THE best, DVD players available. If you have the money. It runs about $19,000.
I didn't because I really was just looking for a general over-view/education of what to expect from a DVD player -- what features and capabilities separate a high-end interpretation of a player from a mass consumer-grade piece, and whether those differences are worth paying for, and where diminishing returns begin.

I'm right in the middle of re-building, so a lot of my setup is in flux. I'm using just a 30" HD tube widescreen, but that'll be a HD plasma down the road. I need to buy a new (probably used) processor, right now a Lexicon DC-1 seems like a good idea, but who knows. I'm driving my speakers with a couple of B&K amps (all used). Where audio is concerned, I've always subscribed to the approach, "why should I buy a brand-new Chevy when I can buy a two-year old Cadillac."

I'm not so sure I'll get off as easy with the DVD player -- I suspect they're changing, unlike solid state amps, all the time. On the other hand, there's that "diminishing returns" caveat. $500 seems to be the theme (so far) for each item (my most recent purchase, a used B&K three-channel amp, cost me about $500, and was over $1k new). I guess I need to figure out what I can buy for under $500 in a DVD player, verify whether there's viable options on the used market, then determine if it's worth going upscale, based on the answers to the first paragraph. LOL. You asked.
Cambridge Audio Azur 540,

They also now have afew more model which I am not sure about