Best DVD player for the money?

As I continue to rebuild my aged HT system, it's time for a progressive-scan DVD player. I'm shocked, in the Best Buys of the world, how cheap DVD players are these days. Something tells me I can spend a lot more than $100 if I tried, so I'm wondering what I should be looking for, features-wise, and product-wise.

Note, this is a HT-only system, so music playback isn't a consideration.


As I have a serviceable DVD player now (just a mass-fi Sony), I'm wondering if I wouldn't be better off waiting for HD functionality to come out in force?
Waiting for the next best thing is always something to do, but if you have a need now you should make the decision. Having visited all the trade shows this year (CES, CEDIA, etc.) I don't see HD DVD happening for 1-2+ years for the hardware, and then there is the whole issue of software HD DVD's and availability -- I doubt these will be available in force for 2-4 years. FYI -- the Hollywood studios are making the most money they've ever made with current standard definition DVD's so why would they change to HD DVD's?
I just bought a Denon DVD 1600 used on Videogon, and the video quality is stunning. It has gotten the second highest rating on the Home Theater DVD shootout.
The audio is also exceptionally good, but being a DVD Audio player, it doesn't have a digital out for sound. You have to use six separate ICs to your Pre Pro.

You still sort of left us in the dark as to what exactly you are looking for when it comes to what you want in a DVD Player.

Like for example, what kind of system will this player be used with???? I ask this very question because I don't want to make a recommendation and then it turns out to be the wrong one after the fact. I don't want to recommend a cheap mass market player when in fact you're going to be putting together an all assault expensive system. On the other hand, I don't want you to overspend on a DVD Player when you are in fact going to put together a budget system either.

For example, if you are going to do a budget system, then a $90.00-to-$300.00 player makes better sense. On the other hand, if you are going to put together an expensive system, then you should probably spend a considerable amount of money on the DVD Player (I'm going to say $1,000.00 and up), especially if you are going to be using a HDTV display like a plasma TV or a DLP or LCoS display to take advantage of the capabililties that a $1,000.00+ player tends to offers.

My picks would be the following:

For a budget player ($90.00-to-$300.00):

(01). Toshiba SD-4900
(02). Toshiba SD-4960
(03). Denon DVD-1910
(04). Samsung DVD-HD931


For an expensive player ($1,000.00 and up)

(01). Denon DVD-5900
(02). Pioneer Elite DV-59AVi
(03). Any Arcam Model (DV78, DV79, FMJ-DV27 (or its replacement..... the FMJ-DV29))
(04). Meridian 800 Reference (and THIS baby will run you about $16K)

Hope I helped you a little bit........


The germ of thinking about upgrading my consumer-grade Sony DVD player comes from my recent purchase of an HD 30" wide-screen TV with HDMI inputs, etc. My Sony DVD player doesn't have progressive scan, for starters (though it does have an optical digital out).

Now, I view the new TV as a 2-3 year stop-gap necessitated by the death of my old 4:3 tv -- it will ultimately become our bedroom TV when HD plasma tvs drop in price in a few years. I'll wait.

I'm actively working on upgrading other items. What's set now is I'm driving five NHT VS-2s with B&K 200w amps (based on recent purchases).

So my upgrade path now looks like this:

1. I need a sub.

2. I have to upgrade my old Fosgate pro logic processor (a Lexicon DC-1 v4 sounds like the way to go but I need to look at the whole DVI/HDMI variable) -- right now, I can't even take advantage of the optical digital outs of both my satellite box or my consumer-grade dvd player.

3. I need a better DVD player.

4. HD/Tivo satellite tuner -- maybe a year off -- the TIVO variable has that price way up there right now.

That order isn't fixed -- finances and used item opportunities will drive that game-plan along, but I'm thinking the sub is going to be next (since my Fosgate does work and I do have a DVD player). But, concurrently, I need to start thinking about what I want in a DVD player and what I want in a processor.

I really don't want to spend more than $500 - $750 on any one thing in the chain, and going pre-owned wherever I can will go a long way. Going used with the amplification was easy, the speakers, too, and I'm confident the sub will be that way, too. I'm worried I won't get off so easy where the processor and DVD player are concerned -- have to learn more about the HDMI/DVI issue.