Rationalizing the Mark Levinson ML-40

I have read a little about the first Mark Levinson home theater processor, which, if nothing else, is certainly the most expensive unit [to be] available.

As one tries to move toward "the best there is", diminishing retuns set in--ergo, the need for rationalization.

I am interested in the thoughts of others about this product. Is it incomparable? How close is "next best"?

Thank you.
You can check out the online pdf manual

Looks interesting but 30k (20k for audio + 10k for video)
is too steep for me. I hope one of the audio mags reviews
it soon just to see how "awesome" or not the No.40 is.
Don't bother rationalizing. Theta Casablanca II is a superior product, better support, better upgradeability, and more customizable. And to top it off, it's less expensive even fully loaded.
Thanks for the input Sdrconsultant, where were you able to demo the No40 ? The CII is better and superior in which way ?
Please, the Theta Casablanca 2 is nowhere near the product of the ML-40. In fact, meridian and lexicon better it and by a wide margin. The ML 40 was set out to be a reference piece. 2 seperate boxes with the best technology available today. Levinson took all of the knowledge from their high end preamp (15k) and seperated the video from the audio. Harmon Kardon owns lexicon and the new Levinson will also have logic 7 making it the king of the hill in audio, video and digital processing. Is it overpriced, absolutely. Is it the best available, no question about it.