Tube Amp for Martin Logan SL3 3

I have a friend who would like to drive his SL 3's with a Tube amp.Are these speakers tube amp friendly.Any suggestions in the 2k range.
I would advise against it. Mega buck tube amps can have both the current and voltage to drive the difficult loads of the SL3 (and other Martin Logan speakers), but at the 2k range I think your friend would be happier with solid state. One possiblity is to have tubes for the panels and solid state amp for the woofer. This eliminates the voltage demand that the woofers may need on the tube amp (driving the panels only). If your friend does do this they will need at least one of the amps with an adjustable input so they can match the levels. This can be tricky, particularly due to non-linearities of different amplifiers. I think what I'm getting at is--at 2k I wouldn't advise it. Probably not what they wanted to hear--but better than spending the money and being very disappointed.
I disagree with Abstract7 there are plenty of amps in the $2000 used price that can drive the logans. Sonic Frontiers Power 2 at 110watt is one of them. A good 100 watt 6550 tube amp has more then enough juice for Martin Logan. And Martin Logans always sound better with tubes. Other wise the sound is too solid state smooth which can get boring fast. I would advise to stay away from Levinson or Krell or with these speakers. They just sound too bright, another amp to also give a listen to is a used VT100MkII again this also has plenty of juice to properly control your speaker. As far as the 1.3ohm min thing, thats BS, you can drive a Martin Logan with a $400 receiver and it will play plenty loud enough, maybe not with quality, but it will drive them. The logans are very easy to drive in my opinion and in my room with a Sonic Frontier power 2 I can get peaks of 110 from my speakers. So goes to show you that 100 watt of tube power can drive anything.
I drive my SL3's with a pair of Classe' DR9's running in mono. Solid State reliability with a touch of tube sound....plenty of power (1,100 watts/2ohms) too!