What's more important speakers or amplification?

What would be a better alternative for $3200:

1. Use existing Sony STR-DA777 ES amp (5 x 120 watts)and invest $3200 in new speakers (Fronts, Center, rears, and Sub)

2. Spend $1600 for 5 channel amp and use Sony as Pre and the remaining $1600 on speakers (Fronts, Center, rears, and Sub)

What brands should be considered?
But I do agree that you will get more from just the speakers than trying to do everything for the $3200.....unless your willing to do the amp and the mains now, and gradually add on when finances allow.
Brands considered ?
Vandersteen, Paradigm, and Magnepan. Unfortunately if your electronics aren't up to par these speakers will tell you.
Chances are a better source will do the trick.More bang for your buck.
Sales people disagree because the most margin is in Speaker sales.40/50% VS 25% on average on components.
agreed. speakers aren't worth it if the amplification isn't up to their standards. but, if you spend 2200 on 2 channel amplification and 1000 on speakers, you could get a really nice sounding little system. maybe a used linn amp with some used kelidhs?
Speakers, speakers, speakers. Unless your amplification and source are really bad, the speakers are the key. All the rest is audiophile B.S. Be a lemming, or use your brain, the choice is yours. Charlie
I believe speakers, cables and interconnects would be the most important. By upgrading these components first you will be better able to hear the differences between the various amps and source components that you purchase in the future. For example while I spent only $600 on my CD player, I auditioned it through a Krell integrated amplifier on Martin-Logan speakers (the best the shop had) so that I could more easily detect variations in the sound of the several CD players I was auditioning. I also think that speakers have the greatest effect on the sound of a system.