What's the best Preamp??

Research is sometimes a bad thing. And so is choice.
Interested in thoughts on the following preamps
B&K Ref 30
Integra Research
Lexicon MC 1 (don't think I can afford the MC12)
Anthem Preamp recently reviewed in SGHT.

and the winner is.......
I never fail to look at posts that read "best preamp" and am hopeful that there is not a restriction attached. There have been a number of them in the last month.

I would love to be able to put in my .02 cents worth for what is the BEST preamp, but then again, I am always looking for absolutes.
Of the ones you've listed, I take the Anthem AVM-20. However, If you can find an Aragon Soundstage on closeout, it'll be better and less expensive. It list for $4K, I've seen them closing out as low as $1500. If you need 7.1, the Aragon is not for you. If 5.1 will do, you can't beat it for the prices they've been selling for. Sonically better than all 4 models you've mentioned.

My Wadia is direct to the FPB 300 after hearing no preamp I am convinced this is the best and simplest way. The money saved can go toward very good balanced connectors. and still have a bunch left over for music,after all isn't that what it is all about?
Jcbower, those who are familiar with the preamps you list could perhaps be more helpful if you would share a little about what is important to you in your listening priorities.

Albert, I just chuckled when I read your comment. I clicked on this thread with the same interest. Cheers!
Bryston's SP-1 is an excellent pre/pro, and this month Bryston is due to introduce the 7.1 channel version of this unit -- to be called the SP-1.7, I think. Given the other pre/pros on your list, you should take a look at the Bryston.