
I'm concerned about some of the talk I hear on this page and other pages about Adcom products. I know they are inexpensive but are they bad? I know when people talk about louddpeakers the name Bose always gets laughed at, and for good reason. I would never own a Bose product. However, it seems that Adcom is the "Bose" of electronics. I guess what I'm curious about is the fact that Adcom almost always gets rave reviews from the press. Such quotes as "you would have to spend 3 times the price to get this kind of sound elswhere" are common. So, the question is, Are Adcom amps and pre/pros decent products for use in a high end home theater system? or are they completely useless.
Adcom has ben around for a long time; I have no experiences with it, but very probably is a safe buy for 'entry-level' highQ equipment. However - Carver / Sunfire would get my vote for the "Bose" of electronics.
The Adcom 7500 is a superb home Theater amplifer. I purchased one and was extremely happy with it. It is well built, THX Certified, uses quality components and can drive low impedance speakers without breaking a sweat. This amp has the muscle and finesse to bring home theater to life. Lucas Films uses this amp when mixing THX sound tracks. That's as good of a recommendation as you're going to get for home theater. Is it the best amplification you can get for home theater? In a word, no. I think the Adcom 7500 does represent a very good value for your money and that you would be hard pressed to find better for less. If you're looking solely for 5.1 home theater amplification this amp is a winner. Regards; -Jerie
While i have never heard the GFP-750 first-hand, i would like to. I was thinking about buying one just to check it out. It does have some nice features and was designed by one of my favorite's, Nelson Pass. Whether or not it is up to his standard of build quality may be another question though.

On the other hand, i did own another product that Nelson designed for Adcom and was not pleased with it at all. It was the GFA-5800, the predecessor of the GFA-5802 that is currently in production. Both of these amps were pretty highly reviewed in more than a few magazines. I "traded" my Dad for this amp as a favor to him. Quite honestly, it sounded so bad in his system that i took a several hundred dollar loss on the amp that i gave him just to get the Adcom out of his system. I tried it here in two different systems with similar results, i.e. hard glaring treble, bloated, indistinct bass, flat soundstage with no imaging, etc... It was just a mess. While it did drive some very low impedance, very low sensitivity speakers with no problems, it didn't sound good doing it.

When it came time to selling the 5800, i had a HELLUVA hard time even though it was priced quite reasonably, in excellent shape and i had the box, manual, etc.... As a point of reference, i listed 4 products at the same time that i did the Adcom amp. I sold all three other products within 48 hours while the Adcom took a half dozen listings on various websites and about 3 months to unload. It was the hardest thing that i have ever tried to sell. Besides that, i've had a few other pieces that they've made. The one thing that i will say is that they use the CHEEZIEST switches out of any manufacturer that i've ever seen. This goes for their power amps, their surround processors, their older passive line sections, etc... I know that the power switches on their amps have a high failure rate, as i have replaced more that a few of them for friends.

As to the good side of these products, Adcom DOES support their products VERY well. I have dealt with customer service on more than a few occasions and always been happy with the results. They also a VERY REASONABLE "flat rate" on rebuilding / repairing their products and being in the electronics service industry myself, that tells me that they ARE taking care of their customers.

As to Jerie's comments about the 7500, it is probably one of the better amps on the market for HT use. I will say that it is conservatily rated and will "beat up on" several other amps in the same power / price range. Adcom is one of the few companies that actually states "all channels driven" for their multi channel amps while also giving legitimate power ratings for 4 ohm loads. Compare that to the much "classier" Anthem multi-channel amp and see what you get.

As to Bob's comments about Carver / Sunfire products, i would disagree 50%. While the Carver products were quite lacking and Bob is always "up to something", i have found that the Sunfire amps, when properly matched, are quite phenomenal for the money. Quite honestly, i have owned several of these and never knew what they were TRULY capable of until just recently when i made some changes in one of my systems. I know that i am not alone in my findings as the manufacturers of the large $75,000 "Pipe Dreams" speaker system recommend the Sunfire Signature as the best amp for the money. While they will readily admit that there are better amps and the Signature is not without shortcomings, they have found none that will do what the Sunfire Siganture does for anywhere near the same amount of "cake". Then again, if you have enough money for ANY of their speakers, i doubt if your worried about a "budget" for your amp. Either way, i thought that their saying this was a rather strong endorsement of the product in question. Sean
Always "up to something" Sean? Yes I've been known to 'stir the pot' a bit now & then if that's what you're referring to :~)
Then again, you realize that my point-of-reference is a bit above that level - but no, business here at the uplink hasn't been worth a damn lately. I just got tired of messing around, & decided to go the whole-hog approach vs. trying-to-get-by as usual (I'll let you know later if it was really worthwhile).
My very brief experience with Sunfire left a lot to be desired, although certainly under the right conditions the equipment can really shine through as you've so aptly demonsrated. Glad that it worked out for you.
hahahha... sorry for the confusion Bob. I meant that Bob CARVER is "always up to something" in terms of designing, inventing, promoting his latest "gimmicks". Sorry if you took offense to that as i did not mean it that way at all.

As i mentioned, i've had some Sunfire products for well over a year now and FINALLY just found out what they could really do. Like anything else that i've "stumbled across", its been done via a lot of trial and error and component swapping. Sometimes what you think "sucks" sounds absolutely "killer" with other gear hooked up to it. That's why system synergy is so important ( as you know ).

Quite honestly, how i "stumbled" across what made the Sunfire Signature sound so good was simply by mistake. I had recently sold my HT preamp and needed to throw something in there temporarily. Due to having a full function remote, i decided to try my Marsh P2000. It was sitting on the shelf and i was debating whether or not to sell it. As such, the combination of it and the Sun Sig gave me the best sound out of the mains that i've EVER had there. For the record and to clarify things, i've tried well over 20 various amps & preamps with those speakers and never gotten anywhere near the results that i am now. It might just be one of those "magic" things that happen, who knows ??? Either way, i know enough NOW ( after learning the HARD WAY ) to stop "upgrading" and leave well enough alone. Like you, i've "ruined" systems by thinking that i was going to make them better only to find out that it's hard to backpeddle to exactly what made the "magic" at one point in time.

Other than that, i hope your "upgrade" goes as planned and does MORE than what you want it to. Sean