Separate Components

You want some sort of high end audio so you dont keep buying and selling. Buy the classe intergrated amp used on the net for about 1,000 and a pair of martin logan aerius i used for 1,100 and a classe cd player cdp1.5 for about 1,100 and buy Harmonic technologies for cables. It is also important if you do listen to metal then you dont want martin logans. If you listen to anything else that will be a great starter system that you can build from. You can always add an amplifier to that system. that system would have a very warm and sweet sound I am not sure if thats the sound you want? Let me know I have many other combinations. GIVE US A BUDGET YOU NEED TO STAY UNDER.
Hi Johnny, I second the proposed combos above *AND* chas' & Lev's quest for more info... we're a bit in the dark (no pun intended).
Check out AMC's homepage ( and go to the refurbished page. The have the 1100 solid-state pre-amp for $150 ($220 new) which I own and is a very transparent pre-amp for the money. They also have a solid-state amp for around $250 ($500 new, 100W/ch I think) that I haven't audiotioned, but if it's like the pre-amp then it probably sounds damn good. The units are refurbished but I feel their products are overlooked for sound quality and value. They also have some tube gear. If not AMC, then check out some NAD or Rotel gear. I'm a student, so this kind of equipment is pretty expensive for me, but the value can't be beat if you're on a tight budget.
If you do not mind shopping exclusively on the net, you can find a very good "new" system of separates for about $2000.

I would recommend the Odyssey Stratos as the Power Amp ($995 to $1295 depending on options) and the Morrison Elad as the Pre-amp ($820 including shipping). Both have received very positive reviews and seem to be the trendsetters in the value for the dollar audio camp.
Since you're not rich, I'd recommend AMC. Their tube series is simply awesome and for the price it is a steal. The CVT1030 tube preamp and CVT 2030 tube amp (30 watt/channel) are excellent as is the CVT3030 integrated tube amp (ss preamp section with 30 watt tube amp section) which was a sterophile recommened component and had a good review in The Absolute Sound as well.

These can be bought _new_ on ebay extremely cheaply : $250-$300 for 1030, $300 to $350 2030, and about $500 to $600 for the 3030.

Not knowing what speakers you have or are planning to get. My recommendation would be to get the AMC tube preamp and get their 2100 100watt solid state amp as menioned above as it will give a lot of flexibility with regards to speaker choices (Their 30watt tubers are excellent but you'd be limiting yourself to high efficiency speakers). The 1030 preamp is a honey and the 2100 power amp is an excellent solid state unit (read its review on

I don't want to sound like an add for AMC but man their solid state stuff is as good as NAD but you can get it dirt cheap. Plus they make great sounding tube stuff that you can get dirt cheap. One note worth mentioning is that the tube amps and preamps have versions with tube sockets and without tube sockets. The socketless versions are very heavily discounted. The tube are soldered directly to the circuit board. on the preamp is it a piece of cake to install sockets when replacing the tubes. With the poweramp it is another story as there isn't enough clearance to insert a socket, you jast have to solder the new tubes in. Mind you that the power amp tubes will last at least 5 to 6 years before needing replacement and that the preamp tubes will last even longer. So you wouldn't have to worry about that for a long time. If you are in the least bit proficient with a soldering iron and a screw driver you'll have no problems. The factory will also swap out tubes and install sockets for you for a little more than the price of the tubes but you'd still have to ship it off and who knows if AMC will be around in 6 to 8 years (Audio Alchemy made good stuff but they crapped a while back).

With AMC you could have your amp and preamp for under $500. Then get a good CD player like the Sherwood 980 (a fantastic player, the sound is so spacious and 3D, just phenomenal) which can be had on for around $115 to $150. And you'd be set for cheap.

If you want a tuner I'd pick a late 70's Kenwood off of ebay for under $80. Marantz and Sansui are great too but a lot of collector types have driven the price of the good models up too high. The Kenwoods sound just as good but for a better price. The 70's tuners sound much better than new digital tuners like Onkyo, Denon. The only thing you miss out on with a 70's tuner are presets.
