Preamp upgrade ARC LS5, SF Line 3, others?

I'm looking to upgrade my preamp. I have Audio Research LS2 MKII and ARC D200 power amp. The LS 2 can be a little bright on the top end and thinon the low end. I have heard the LS5 and was blown away auditioning it in my home, but have a number of components that are single ended. I've always liked ARC products, but they seem low on features.

I've read reviews on the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 and am encouraged by it. SOmeone I spoke to said the Line 3 was dramatically better than the ARC LS5. Any SF Line 3 owners would like to leave comments on this. Any other preamps one should look into?


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Tom; I own the SF Line 2, and auditioned the Line 3 in home for 5 days. These are both very neutral sounding pre-amps, ie they do not have a "tubey" euphonic sound at all. But they are very smooth, and soundstage and holographics, especially with the Line 3, are excellent.

Both the SF pre-amps are loaded with features like Headphone out, an SSP out, Remote, 4 always on outputs for bi-amping, and many others. I have not heard the LS5 but can highly recommend the Line 2 or 3. Happy Hunting. Craig.
I second Jaica'a vote for the Hovland. I eliminated the need for a preamp in my system, however, if I needed one again, the Hovland would be it.
Placette active line stage. Not cheap ($4K) but the best I've heard so far under $10K. Wonderful on "bright" sources, as the Vishay resistors clean up the high end.
Like you, I had the ARC LS2-II. I bought an ARC REF-1 off Audiogon and have been extreemly happy with it! It has both balanced and SE connections. The biggest difference was in the bass, but the REF-1 bettered the LS2 in every way. You can find them here for under $4,000.

Good Luck!!!
I use a SF Line 1 with an ARC D200 and really enjoy it. I think there's definitely something to be said for combining a tube preamp w/ SS amplification. And the SF Line series features are very nice- I particularly enjoy the headphone amp w/ my Sennheisers.