Best 5 Channel Amp

Hello. I am in the market for a new 5 channel amp. What do you consider to be the best 5 channel home theater amp out there? New or old,used. I have heard Powermaster 2000, Pass labs x5, California audio, etc.etc. What do you think and why. Thanks for the help.
Before a person can recommend an amp a few details should be known about the system that it is going to be anchoring .
A five channel amplifier is not your only option. The best 5 channel amplifier can be found in a multiamplifier configuration. You could have two stereo amplifiers with one monoblock amp. I am presently using two Mark Levinson 334 amplifiers with a ML 434 monoblock. You could also have five monoblock ML 434 amplifiers. Another possibility is a Proceed three channel amp teamed up with a Proceed stereo amplifier. Whatever configuration you use, make sure that all of the amps SOUND the same.