Whats the coolest sounding movie?

Ok so whats the best movie that you use to Demo when you want to impress your friends.What movie and or scene? I like to use the begining part of Pearl Harbor when they start to attack pearl harbor.I have 2 Sunfire Signatures that knock the wind out of my buddies every time!
Das Boot Director's Cut. It was released a few years ago. The sound is not showy with whiz-bang effects. The soundtrack absolutely puts the viewer inside that hot, stinky, leaky submarine. A must-hear Dolby Digital surround mix.
The Hit
with John Hurt and Terrance Stamp has very nice acoustical guitar and an excellent movie to boot.

Dead Man
with Johnny Depp has a beautiful soundtrack by Neil Young if you like a haunting electric guitar, this is also a very good (Jim Jarmusch) movie.

I just reread the original post and I am not addressing the question but I will leave these suggestions.

I second Das Boot :)
I agree The Haunting has some great sound effects. For a snippet of fun, check out the video sequence in the extra features section of The Lawnmower Man.