plasma versus lcd

If you had the choice between a 32 inch plasma screen and a 32" lcd, which would you take? What are the pros and cons of these formats?
I own a 40" lcd rptv and a 42" plasma. IMHO the plasma kills the lcd in pq. Not even close. Like others have said though both have their own merits.
Personally, I have skepted myself with this questions many times until I have proven the difference in the long run, Plasma may have screen burn issue, but by far I noticed picture quality stands still, strikingly clear in any angle, definitely no color bleeding as LCD does. LCD on the other hand is quite more expensive, I have no idea why! truly to me, LCD panel is ideal to computer graphics period!, not so quite good in motion pictures or video. Watching movie on LCD is outstanding on CARTOONS but typical movie such as concert DVD most part suffers color bleeding between dark areas and reds and it's heartbreaking!
If you really into performance? I suggest plasma no matter what other's say!..but be very careful!.Plasma is not immune to extreme vibrations when hit! Once screen is defected, beleive me! ain't no such thing as will be fix unless warrantied to brand new one! Plasma glass screen is what's make it's sky high ranking price!.......LCD is immune to vibrations or even being drop that depends! I believed 97% of LCD being release are in good working condition rarely becomes defective, if so,mainly from manufacturers fault. LCD is safe considering around bad kids if something may occur but performancewise? I still prefer PLASMA on the wall.
I have no complaints of any those above, in fact Im amazed why it took this long Flat tv has become a reality! Trinitron has taken it's way a decade while plasma was currently in the process of perfection. I don't understand why people creates some issue such as: it's lack of color purity to some models comparing each other, gray instead of black, it's not black enough!..............We're lucky manufacturer's didn't start manufacturing in black and white!....But a full screen High definition?. and you're still complaining?..........The purpose of video presentation is to represent the highest ratio and to be determine by you as user according to your application, Several manufacturer's has it's own technique and gladly they're not thesame!.But they're all ranked as to high definition monitors......Plasma rules! as far performance is concerned. Be sure enough it's from leading manufacturer's such as FUJITSU: the leader, PANASONIC: made this technology absolute best, SONY: Currently both aesthetic and technology, TOSHIBA, HITACHI, MARANTZ, PIONEER, REVOX, RUNCO, JVC.
Honestly! don't look no further from PHILLIPS, GATEWAY, ZENITH, BEN Q., SAMSUNG, or else you get what you deserve.

If you're application is graphics? or stilled images? computer purposes? LCD does best, I agree with denonjapan!. but PLASMA still the ultimate of both, movie or computer graphics, from color saturation to contrast ratio!.