Stacking power amps mono blocks

I have two tube mono blocks that are stackable. However when I put one on the other there is only 1/2" space for heat dissiation between the two of them. I am worried that the lower unit will fry over time if it gets to warm and the heat from the tubes can't escape. I can obviously put a 2" x 4" to create space. However, the look may not be great. Anyone that has figured out a nifty thing or purchased something that creates a nice 3 to 4 " gap between two pretty heavy (at least 50 lbs each) power amps. By the way if I put them into my Target stand (the ampsare 8 " tall (mono blocks) I need to remove one shelf and loose three shelves and not great look for putting in two amps. I am I just not getting it?
if you have the space, some nice amp stands (single shelves, basically) look nice. Target makes some that are cheap, or you can make your own pretty easily. I'd avoid stacking, esp. if they are tube monos.

I had the same problem with solid state amps. I stacked them using 3/4" stock aluminum, 1/8" stock plate, that is routed and sandwitched with marbles. This works similar to Symposium Rollerblocks. Not only does it help with heat dissappation it also helps with sound quality. The top amps are smoother with less noise--it might be even more significant with tubes. I also painted the aluminum black for cosmetics. You can see how it looks at:
I do not believe a half inch is enough space. Not only should you be concerned about the lower unit, but also the tube amp above, so much heat in a tight space is probably not good for either of them. I would take ed's advice and buy a couple of amp stands. If you do get the stands, take a look at a thread here on agon about spk cable verses interconnect lengths, I don't personnally have any experience on cable lengths but the people who commented on the thread made some interesting comments. I would try both ways short interconnect and then long inter, with spk cables going short and then long. You may end up achieving a new level of performance. Good luck and let those amps breath. Pete