Proceed AVP and AVP2 upgrade

Currently own an Acurus ACT III processor, but use a Resolution Audio CD55 run balanced direct into power amp for music listening. I've had the Proceed AVP in my system for a few days on a trail run. It's a good buy, and sounds great in DD. The AVP2 upgrade path is open - which would be a good investment if it will give me better music performance. Anyone out there who can comment on the AVP2's musicality? Does the Levinson Mk40 "trickle down" technology make a substantial difference? (My transport/DVD player is a Sony DVDP-7000, and speakers are Thiel 2.3)
I honestly do not do ANY post-processing to two-channel music so I cannot comment.

Others have made positive comments, but I prefer the unaltered sound of a good 2-channel mix.
Dave - I'm just using a basic AVP, but I've pretty much decided to spring for the upgrade soon. It's a great HT processor, and I'm very pleased with the music performance...and hoping the new DACs will make it that much better! I don't think you'll be disappointed.