best pre/pro under $5,000

New or used...I have seen and heard the proceed, krell, and theater grand III. Not sure if I should be looking in another direction. Need to have a 2nd zone for multi room listening. I do 50/50 2 channel and movies. Would love to spend closer to $3,000 if possible. I have read about the Classe 75 and the McIntosh MX 134, but have not reviewed mysef. As always your comments are appreciated
the krell deal is a good one. If you want to go in another direction, i can second the ead recommmendation. Easy to set up and very musical. good luck. Mike.
I also think the EAD is a good pre/pro and very musical, I like mine. It does lack sophisticated audio/video switching and also lacks a 2nd zone.
I second The Integra Research RDC-7. I own it. You can read a review of it online at Stereophiles Guite to Home Theater FEB 2001.
I am surpriced that no one mentioned Antehm AVM-20 v2.0 or B&K Ref50 yet. You don't have to spend all $5k if you don't need to, right?