what to upgrade

whats my weekest link,what should i upgrade next?currently i have;acurus a150,p.s audio 4.5,gas thalia,amc cd 8b,vandersteen model 1's.i mostly use the thalia,it's not the best but i prefer it over my p.s audio,too dead.also im looking for a thaedra if anyone has one,fs,dave...
Try the Odyssey Stratos Amp. It is way above the Acurus for about the same price. It is st least on the level with the Aragon or Sonic Frontiers Amps. I love mine.
Hi, Ampzilla (I remember when GAS actually made the Ampzilla....). With due respect to Ton and Leafs, I'm inclined to suggest you upgrade your speakers. I have a lot of experience with Vandersteen speakers -- I have owned 2Ci's, 3A's, and currently have 3A Signatures, and my son has a pair of Model 1's -- and I think you ought to either move up to the 2Ce's or 2Ce Signatures, or better yet the 3A's (used, if money is an issue). Back in the old days of hi-fi, most stereo systems had two transducers in the audio chain: the phono cartridge, and the speakers. Transducers present the biggest challenge in a good audio system, since they have the job of converting energy from one form to another (the phono cartridge converted mechanical energy to electrical energy, and speakers reverse the process). All transducers have some inherent non-linearity and distortion, typically much more than the electronic components (assuming you have basically good gear, which you do). As such, you are going to hear much more audible sound quality differences with transducers than with electronics (amps, for example, have THD and IM distortion around .01 to .001 percent, whereas transducers often are in the 1% range or higher). At some stage in your audiophile career, you will probably want to upgrade your electronics, but what you currently own is good enough to warrant better speakers. There are a lot of good speakers in a moderate price range -- brands such as Vandersteen, PSB, Paradigm, Magneplanar (the 1.6QR is a audio bargain) --so you should have plenty of choices. I'm sure that other Audiogon regulars can provide many good suggestions to add to my mine.