High End HT

I saw another threat that got me thinking about this.

My whole HT setup, is under 10k, TV and that includes everything. There are some upgrades i want to do, mainly go with an amp/pre-amp setup and kick the ol reciever out the window.

Suppose you had this system....

Sunfire Grand Cinema, Used, 1200
Sunfire 200Wpc 5ch AMP used, 1200
Deftech BP3000TL FL/FR used 3000
Deftech BP2006TL SL/SR Used 600
Deftech Center, CLR ? used 500?
Projector or 61in HDTV used 2000
Good solid DVD player, about 1000
Cableing. Lets go cheap, 500

This system could be bought for 10,000

This is actually better than what im currently running, and what i have sounds incredible. It shakes my whole house, it gets incredibly loud, and just blows my mind. The system above would probably sound even better than what i have.

what exactly would you get for 40,000 or 60,000 that you dont with the system listed above? The system above is better than what i own, and what i own sounds far better than any theater in denver i have been to.

I really dont believe you need to spend much to get an incredible HT. I can understand blowing 60,000 for a 2 channel setup, but thats a completly different game.

Im not bashing people who do spend alot of cash on a HT, what you do with your money is your concern, what im wondering is how the heck do you keep upgrading your HT? i can understand branching off to a 7.1 setup, but thats about it.

Im just curious how you can watch Star Wars Attack of the Clones, or Ghost and the Darkness, and say "this sounds like crap!"

Do alot of people who have 60,000 HT setups buy it all at once? Or do they go with cheapo and slowly upgrade?
So you're telling me that if I swap out your Sunfire amp and pre for Halcro monoblocks all around and a MC-12 pre, it won't make a difference. I believe it'll make a world of different in Home Theater just as it would in Stereo. Whatever amps or speakers that can make a stereo setup sound better will also make a HT setup sound better.
Elise, Thank you for your input

you are probably right, there would be a difference. But i dont think there would be a big difference due to the audio content provided in DVDs. If this was also used for music, then Definatly, go for the better equipment. But for strictly home theater?

would you be happy with the sunfire setup? If not, how could you stand going to the theaters to see a new movie? There are plenty of very nice theaters here in denver, and the system i have in my basement is comparable if not better than them. Its not because the theaters have crappy stuff, thier theaters have as good of sound systems as any other theater you would find.

I dont see the importance of using high cost/ high end equipment for a home theater. I understand it for music, because you are really listening to it and paying attention to the sound. Audiowise all movies are is basically a musical score with sound effects. It does not take incredible speakers and amplifiers to make the movie sound as good, if not better than any movie theater.

Im not saying its a waste of money. i just dont think you have to spend that much to get incredible cinematic audio.

2 channel is just a different world, music is more than sound effects and dialogue

The system i have, modest it may be, killer sound it has, If anybody said it sounded horrible after listening to it, i would swear they have gone mad.

I guess, im just saying that in dont believe you need high end equipment in a home theater, HT audio is way more forgiving than 2channel, and HT almost seems like it is just dying to impress. I say use those brystons or Halcro monoblocks where they belong, in a real sweet 2channel setup.

Here is an example, My g/f bought me a theater in a box setup. She knows i love audio equipment, and it is pretty low end, but i love it anyway. We have it set up in the bedroom and i really have to say, for movies it sounds very suprisingly good, if you switch it to the tuner, it sucks., Play a cd in it, it sucks.
Put a dvd in it, and it shines. I just dont think it is necessary to use high end equipment, because the audio content in dvds is easier to reproduce than music.
(that excludes DVD-A or DVD music disks)
Details, all in the details. You would be surprised at how many little things you miss in the average HT setup. The background noises, the bump of an elbow, the creaking of strings and such.

Honestly I bet in some movies you might be missing ~10% of the total soundtrack. Most movies really have crappy soundtrack so what's the difference.....But some sound really good.

How much is this all worth, depends on the mood I'm in when you ask. When the bills come, no it is not worth it.

On movie theaters- All the ones I've been to really suck....

Slappy, I'm with you on this one, but think about this...I'll bet that many of the components in truly high end HT setups got their starts as components in high end 2 channel setups. By that, I'm talking about the trickle-down effect where, as the 2-channel rig is upgraded, the "old" components migrate to the HT setup. By that reasoning, if you had a $100K system, then a $40K HT setup would make perfect sense. I guess I just can't imagine anyone with that much interest in HT who didn't have even more interest in music. Are there any of those mythical people out there who live, eat, sleep and breathe HT but don't care how their music sounds? Oh wait...they are on a different message board....