Direct TV causing hum in audio system


I'm experiencing a humming problem when I integrate my direct tv into my audio system. When I disconnect the satelite cable, the hum goes away. Am I experiencing a ground loop? Is the solution to ground the satelite dish? (I had the dish installed free as part of a promotion.) I heard cable tv can cause this problem and wondered if satelite tv is any different?
I've been using the M.A.G.I.C. ground loop isolator and splitter for months with great satisfaction. You may not need to go all the way to the big box.
See this thread that I posted earlier:

I bought the Mondial MAGIC box and while it did eliminate the hum, it also eliminated about half of my Direct TV channels. I ended up getting "cheater" plugs for everything on the same circuit (I had missed one while going through all of this). Anyway, hope this helps you. -Tony
Thanks for all your input. I think I'll start by grounding the dish to the same location as my power outlets. One thing that worried me, as I move the cable coming down from the dish, it occassionally sparked when touching other component. Is this unusual? Treyhoss, I read your post, did you ever fix your problem?

Yes, I did. I found I had unaccounted for a grounded (3-prong) plug on the same circuit. I put a cheater plug on that and the hum was eliminated. I would try the cheater plugs before anything else since it is so inexpensive. My fix ended up costing <$2.00 - of course this was after I spent almost $100 on the MAGIC! Good luck
Had the same problem guys!

The issue is that these darn dish people DO NOT RUN a ground from the dish to the house ground. This is MUXT HAVE!

I hae seen over 50 systems since it took me months and $100's of bucks to fix mine too!

Everyone with hum, make sure that your house polarity is correct, and that all equipment has a solid ground.

good luck!