Barebone 2A3 or SET Amp and speaker

I am looking for people who have set up a 2A3 or SET amp and speaker for really low price. Anything below 1k will do. Describe characteristics and sound quality.

I can chime in here that I really love my Wright WPA 3.5 monoblock amplifiers, which are based on the 2A3 output tube and are frequently found here at the $1000 price point.
That might mean using existing speakers until more money accumulates. Getting one great component today and another great component tomorrow might be more satisfying in the long run than getting two pretty good components today.

I was all ready yesterday to disagree with the post above about the Decware Zen, but now I can't. I own a Zen Select amp, and audio memory was telling me it's nowhere near as detailed as the Wrights. Luckily I realized before posting that I hadn't tried the Zen in my current system, which is completely upgraded from the one I had the Zen in about 2 months ago.

I plugged in the Zen this morning. The detail outstrips the Wrights, which is no slouch detail-wise. However, the Zen's sound is drier, less emotionally involving, not as coherent, tonally correct or just plain beautiful as the Wrights. My opinion is that the Zen preserves detail where the Wrights restore emotion-bearing resonance lost in the recording process. I would place credit (or some might say blame) for this on the 2A3 itself, in this case the Sovtek.
MrGil: Have you tried subbing another 6922 type for the 6N1P tube? I did not when I had the amp in my possesion as I could not locate them at the time, but wonder what a nice soft Amperex or Mullard would sound like. I agree with buying the best piece within the budget and then upgrading others in the same manner later. This saves a lot of money in the long run and you end up with a better setup in the end. I did this when I purchased my SET amp, which at less than half off retail (used) was still $300 over my budget which happened to be $1000 at the time. But I now own it and love it.
This is a bit off-topic, but in case anyone here is interested, I did try many input tubes for the Zen in the old system, but not in the new system. The Zen might benefit from a lusher input tube now. I'll have to try that eventually before making any conclusions. What sounds best is an individual preference for sure.

I do recall liking the stock JAN Philips 6922 in the Zen better than other types because it was the driest, in a system which needed some dehumidifying. My new speakers are happier with more moisture, and the Wrights provide it, but the Zen might also, with a wetter 6922/6DJ8.

Here's a way to bring this slightly back on the under $1000 topic: Watch out for the tube-rolling obsession, or *any* preconceived budget can be easily broken!