Please Help Solid State Amps ?

Hello Audiogoners,

I am in desperate need of advise! I am in need of Solid State amplification for a pair of Magnepans. The problem is I have been in TUBE LAND my whole audio life and I am clueless as to what there is available. I would prefer something in the realm of 200W MONOS but STEREO will also suffice. I am interested in both OLD or NEW, readily available or esoteric and most of all QUALITY! I thank you for your time and consideration.

My best,

One sentence should cover it - Bryston 4B-ST which can be purchased used for about $1500 and with it comes the best warranty (transferable) in the biz...
Very interesting Mike....think I'll go right to and skip the rest. Broke a couple ribs boarding last winter and "had" to stay home and listen to music for a month. Darn.
Hi Mark; I could write a couple of pages about the virtues of the McCormack DNA-2DX, the Rev. A, and a pair of Rev. A's by SMc, but they've pretty well been covered by the reviews posted by Mikec above.

These are seriously powerful, smooth, refined amplifiers. I just had a pair up-graded to Rev. A for bi-amping, and they really are fantastic amps-- 300 wpc 8 Ohms, 600 wpc 4 Ohms, and 1200 wpc 2 Ohms. A used DNA-2 should be available for around $2500., and Rev. A is $2500. Good Hunting. Craig.
I can give an enthusiastic recommendation for the Aragon 8008bb. I little less money than the DNA's, but I have really enjoyed this amp. For even less money you could pick up a used 4004mkII, which I have also owned and enjoyed. These amps are very powerful and could drive your magnepans with no problem. I use my aragon to drive Thiel CS3.6's, which are very hard to drive and the amp has no problems.
if you really want to have ss amps for absolute choice is goldmund SRM monoblocks