Is this possible?

I work as a leasing manager at a very upscale apartment complex and we are creating a home theater room with a 10 foot drop-down projection screen and seven in-ceiling speakers with two in-wall subwoofers. The installers came today to install the amps which turned out to be a Denon AVR-1082 which has 7 channels at 150 watts into 8 ohms. The installer said that the subs were not self powered and he would power them from the receiver. I can only assume that he will splice the rear channels and power the rear 4 speakers off of 2 channles and use the other 2 channels of surround amplification to power the subs. Doesn't this sound like it will create havok on the receiver with the ohm loads? This couldn't possibly result in 7 channel surround more like 5 channel with 7 speakers right? Does anyone know if there is a setting on the 1082 that could have it power woofers or is this guy gonna try and power subs off ofa surround signal and if there is no crossover won't that damage the subs? Is there some kind of setting that will allow those extra channels to only send LFE output? I think this installer is really shady since he claimed that the 1082 cost 2 grand but I know it is discontinued and the MSRP on it used to bu under $1000. Can anyone verify if this is possible or if we are being ripped off.
If your going to be shelling out big buck's, I would make sure he's CEDIA certified. Do a search for CEDIA to learn a little more about the association. It's basically a custom installer association. I'd say you have a better chance of getting what you pay for if their a CEDIA member. I don't think that any CEDIA member would risk there membership by ripping off cutomers. There's to much money to be made by being a member in good standing. I know I've over simplified what CEDIA is, but all the different installer's here in Las Vegas that are CEDIA members, are people who really love what they do. If there's something that I can't do,I call them. If it's something that I know I can do, I call/visit them and they've always told me exactly how to do it. As far as your installer goes, I'd trust my gut instinct. He's already proven himself dishonest. DISCLAIMER: I am not a custom installer, nor am I a CEDIA member.
I believe you will be losing the LFE (.1) sub info by not using the sub pre out to a powered sub amp, also buy using the rear or side speaker amps to power the subs you will be getting only that encoded channel info (full range) to the subs not the LFE or main speaker info.
You could check Denon's web site in discontinued product archive for the product sheet and owners manual for this unit. (FYI: 150 watts into 6 ohms at 1 KHz, <.7% THD; 110 watts into 8 ohms at 20 Hz -20 KHz, <.05% THD).
I hope this helps.
I beleave Viggen is correct in what the installer must do to get the extra amp for sub use. This receiver is a 6.1 (has extra center rear channel amp for 1 center rear speaker) Info for this amp states that the amps are assignable, sounds like he will assign it to sub duty. There will be no loss of LFE channel...there will be 5 channels plus 2 subs for LFE. Limited info also states that there are 7-110 watt amps in this receiver.

The receiver is the 1082 and is seven chanels 150x7 at 6 ohms. I guess what I am really worried about it that he messes up the ohm load for the receiver by powering four speakers off of 2 channels (especially since I doubt he was able to get 12 ohm in-ceiling speakers so that each channel could get 6 ohms). Thanks for your help, I will do my best to get the model # of the speakers but since the building is brand new and still under construction most of the people really don't care that much about being ripped off in the HT (and damn is that frustrating!).