Home Theater speakers....what to buy? ?

Hello all,

I am kind of new to HT, but I have spent months upgrading the equipment in my home theater/music room.
My components thus far:
Pre/Pro: B&K Reference 50
Amp: Adcom GFA-7805 (5CH at 300wpc into 8 ohms or 450wpc at 4 ohms)
Sub: SVS 16-46 PC-Plus
TV: Panasonic TH-42PHD5UY
Room: W" 11, L" 17, H" 7.7. Stereo is now along the length wall, but this can be changed.

I am looking for a set of speakers to go with this set up and I need your help. I am probably a 60% movie watcher and 40% music listener. Music wise, I listen to nearly everything but jazz and rap. Budget wise, I am willing to go up to $5000 for a HT speaker set up (fronts, front surround and back surround [1 or 2]), so price is an object, but I am willing to build piece by piece.

I have been auditioning around, but I have to be honest, without being able to compare on the spot, it is tough to retain how something sounded two stores ago!

I hope I have included enough info for a fair evalution. I would appreciate any advice any and all could offer.
Thank you,

I want to thank you all. I have been investigating your suggestions and I have a few appointments this weekend to listen to the Legacy. I haven't found a NHT or Norh dealer near me.
If anyone else has more suggestions, I would love to hear 'em.
Have you had the chance to listen to Dynaudio?
I am also looking for a five speaker system for my Denon avr-5700 and willing to spend around 5k. and it gets pretty confusing. I really like the Dyn's Contour line , but they are a bit pricey....Would like to know what you've decided.
Vandersteen offers a complete home theater system built around the 2CE main speaker that sells for around $5k. If you intend to use your system about 40% of the time for music, then you should seriously consider speakers that do a good job reproducing BOTH home theater and music well -- which the Vandy system does.