Martin logans or Dali Euphonia

I really need help regarding this two curent speakers are ,ascent,theater,aeon.Do you guys think or know is the Dali euphonia Ms4,Rs3,Cs4 ,will sound more detail,dynamic,bigger sound stage than my logans.I need to have a feedback as soon as possible, before I take a dessicion.any imput will be highly apreciated.

IMHO, the two speaker lines sound nothing alike. The Euphonias are nice as are the MLs (I've had MLs and have listened to the Euphonias several times). If you get many responses, it will be completely based on personal preference and will be EXTREMELY system-dependent. WAF is completely different as well if that's a factor...

For what it is worth, I would personally tilt towards the MLs with high-powered tube amplification, assuming that your room is up to the task. For the same money, I might choose something else. Then again, I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla, don't really like bruce springsteen, and am a morning person rather than an evening person. That and 59 yen gets you a 59 yen hamburger at McD's where I live... :^)
The Martin Logans are more transparent and have a bigger soundstage. The MS4 & MS5 are more dynamic but have multiple crossover points where the Logans have just one. The Dalis are easier to set up and not as critical as the Logans are for room placement. IF the Logans are set up PROPERLY (most aren't), they will be hard to beat! In fact after setting up mine I didn't even need the center channel speaker!! It just takes time and patience.
I listened to many speakers, including the ML Ascent and Aeon, before deciding to buy the Dali Euphonia MS4, CS4, and RS3. I definitely agree with the previous response that the choice is very system dependent and taste dependent.

I really like the Dali Euphonia so far. The detail, resolution, and soundstage of these speakers are amazing. They are extremely musical and involving speakers, with excellent dynamics. Overall, I have been very pleased. My only complaint is the slightly thin bass, especially for movies. However, I have a very large (15'x21'x17'H) room with openings. This room is a very challenging room for bass. Finding a subwoofer to adequately match the Euphonia is difficult and expensive, and I am still looking.

I would recommend trying to arrange an in home audition if at all possible. This way you can listen in your environment and decide. I have found that every speaker, even very high end speakers, have trade-offs. Just make sure that you can accept the negative aspects of your final selection.