Dish satelite vs Cable quality?

I am new to home theater and would appreciate any feedback.

Comparing video and audio quality between your local cable company to any dish satelite system, which of these do you feel is better? Also, please compare standard definition programing to any High Definition between the two.

In addition, what about the content in the selection of programs available, (cable vs dish).

Lastly, if the consensus is dish, which dish network would you recommend.

Thanks for your time.
I currently have a High Definition cable box from the local cable company. The cable Hi Def broadcasts from HD NET and HD Discovery are spectacular, like looking out a window. HD Movies, and the two HBO HD channels and especially the local ABC HD seem to be a small step down in Video quality.

The excellent Cable High Def source absolutely kills DVD in quality with my Pioneer Elite PRO-530-HD.

The standard def programing including local channels, (ABC, NBC, CBS), CNN. Fox News, USA etc, etc leave a lot to be desired in video quality.

I have tried Better Cables Silver Serpent Reference component cable between the HD cable box to the tv inputs AND Monster's 8 way cable splitter to send signal to all the tv's in the house, (The cable company mesured -3db strength which they said is acceptable).

Has anyone had better luck running S-video from the HD cable box to the tv so that the tv's internal progressive scan would then be default without the component cable hooked up?

I also have a dedicated 20 amp circuit with 10 gauge wire and Hubbell Hosp grade outlets to the system.

Thanks and Peace.
a HDTV that has a built in line doubling can really improve the analog cable signal considerably. I think direct TV vs. dish network is very little quality difference at least in my experience. Both show compression artifacts. I prefer Canadian Express View System they have 19 HDTV channels currently.
For me, sat was better than digital cable. More programming and a better picture with a cheaper price. I haven't seen HDTV on cable because they didn't have it when I switch. My local Cox keep pushing the date back. I grew tired of waiting and went thei Direct TV. I love it. I had to buy a HDTV reciever but my local Cox is requiring that I buy a HDTV capable set-top box as they don't ren them so I'd have had to buy some addition anyway. My wife is the big tv person and she loves Direct Tv. No the quality isn't as good as DVD for regular broadcastl but what is? HDTV is gorgeous though. My only regret is that I didn't start enjoying HDTV sooner.
I switched from digital cable to the Dish Network about a year ago. The picture quality is about the same, maybe slightly better. I have not tried the high definition programming. With the Dish Network, you have to add a second satellite dish (and high definition receiver). One advantage of Direct TV is that you can get the high definition programming with a single satellite dish. High definition cable is not available in my area.

If you decide to go satellite, Direct TV is probably the way to go because of the single satellite dish for high definition. I will probably switch when I decided to purchase a high definition receiver (my TV is HD ready, only).

By the way, the programming is about the same between cable and satellite. It just depends on the package that you decided to purchase. Hope this helps.
As of right now, we have regular cable through the
whole house. Talk about CRAPPY picture! It leaves ALOT
to be desired! And yes, we do have 1 digital cable box,
but no digital service, just basic SBC cable service.
NOW, I have Directv in my music/theater room, and the
picture is ALOT better, BUT you can see even on a
27" tv the digitalization of the picture=squres.
Now my tv set is from 1991, but I can see squareing
of the picture, and even some time delay in the light
background. Not constant, even flowing smooth
picture. Maybe my tv can`t handle it.
But my dvd player has alot better picture quality
than Directv. I haven`t made the jump yet to HDTV
or upgrading equipment, due to lack of
channels shown in HDTV.
I watch VH-1 Classic 90% of the time, and
Music Choice 8% of the time,
so no need to upgrade right now.