Dish satelite vs Cable quality?

I am new to home theater and would appreciate any feedback.

Comparing video and audio quality between your local cable company to any dish satelite system, which of these do you feel is better? Also, please compare standard definition programing to any High Definition between the two.

In addition, what about the content in the selection of programs available, (cable vs dish).

Lastly, if the consensus is dish, which dish network would you recommend.

Thanks for your time.
As of right now, we have regular cable through the
whole house. Talk about CRAPPY picture! It leaves ALOT
to be desired! And yes, we do have 1 digital cable box,
but no digital service, just basic SBC cable service.
NOW, I have Directv in my music/theater room, and the
picture is ALOT better, BUT you can see even on a
27" tv the digitalization of the picture=squres.
Now my tv set is from 1991, but I can see squareing
of the picture, and even some time delay in the light
background. Not constant, even flowing smooth
picture. Maybe my tv can`t handle it.
But my dvd player has alot better picture quality
than Directv. I haven`t made the jump yet to HDTV
or upgrading equipment, due to lack of
channels shown in HDTV.
I watch VH-1 Classic 90% of the time, and
Music Choice 8% of the time,
so no need to upgrade right now.
If you want great picture quality, there is really just one way to go. BIG DISH!

Seriously, the 10 foot diameter, "C" band has the best picture I have seen, and I have had, both cable and Dish Network to compare it against. (To be honest, I have not had HDTV on any of the systems, but from what I have read, it still is the best on the Big Dish).

The problem is that is is not nearly as convenient (I.e. you have to switch between 2 dozen satelites to switch between channels, it is fairly expensive (although still cheaper than cable) and the initial cost is very high. ($3K+). In addition, there is maintenance on the dish, which seems to malfunction every few years or so, I guess because it is constantly swivelling to track different satelites. I finally gave up after about 5 or 6 years, and went with the very convenienct Dish Network which has a built in Digital recorder, which is "Hella" cool (to quote Eric Cartman).

If you want absolute best picture, choose "C" band, or if you want next best, pick Dish Network (Or direct TV, as I think they are about the same thing.)

Good Luck!
I have a Motorola 5100 HD cable box and the HD channels are superb. They are essentially as good as my DVD player. Comcast here in Atlanta offers NBC, CBS, ESPN, INHD, INHD2, and 2 HBO channels in HD. (I am still waiting for ABC.) I use the component video out to get HD in progrssive scan. I like cable service because high speed Internet comes in on the same line and I get one bill for everthing.
I've had the chance to compare both HD cable and Dish network HD sat on my panasonic HD projector. On HD it is a toss up as far as video quality goes. On regular tv I would give the nod to Sat. I went with HD cable because the offer more HD channels. I'm located in the Atlantic CIty, NJ area.
I have some experience with both DirectTV and Dish. I prefer the on-screen programming of Dish, although their remotes don't last very long. I am waiting for the Dish 921.

For now I get my High Definition with a UHF antenna attached to my attic winsow sil. Great picture, enen on my High Definition projector.