What's Better - Denon 2900 or Sony NS999es? Why?

I am considering buying a new DVD/SACD combination player. Your opinions please on the two mentioned. I wish I had the bucks for the Denon 5900. Which has better sound, pictures, features? Thank you!
For what it is worth, TAS ranked the appr $1000 Yamaha higher than the Denon 2900 an issue or two ago. As such, it may be worth checking out.

Having said that, i'm sure that the Denon is much better than the Sony in terms of video performance. As far as audio goes, the Denon supposedly comes with higher grade DAC's and offers more potential after modifications, but in stock form, who knows ??? Sean
Unless you A/B them, its hard to tell. I own the Sony and use it for DVD and multi-channel SACD and it's fantastic. Best digital performer I've ever had, especially in so many areas. Superb DACs. It's in the HT system. I use a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21 DAC in the two channel system and like it a lot too. But i have never A/Bd them.
Thanks for the responses. Any dealers out there who carry both who might know? I would probably not have either unit modified. I would be tempted to spend the extra money for the 5900 Denon instead. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.