DLP vs Plasma/LCD

I was just about ready to plunk down $4k for a Panasonic 42" plasma. I was at my brother's tonight watching the Olympics on his 42" Pioneer plasma (HD transmission,) when he tells me that I should go with a DLP for my bedroom, rather than the plasma. He claims the picture is much better and they cost less. I wasn't even considering a DLP because I didn't think it would fit in my bedroom. (being to deep) He says they make some, now, that are only a few inches deeper/wider than a plasma. Any takers? Is the DLP the way to go? If so, can anyone recommend one with killer picture quality, and relatively thin? thanks in advance. warren
My understanding is that LCD is the future of television, not plasma. LCD is lighter, doesn't burn in, and has a much longer "life expectancy". Unfortunately, right now large flat screen LCDs are very expensive compared to DLP and plasma. Both DLP and plasma are transition technologies until LCD becomes the standard, which will probably be in the next 2-4 years. If you can't wait, a DLP is probably your best bet.
I just bought a samsung 56 inch for $3500 from onecall.com. Great picture with high def and dvd. Pretty crappy pic from regular sattelite. I try to watch mostly high def and dvd's though. See my system for a picture.
A DLP or LCD Rear Projector will be more than twice as deep as the average flat panel in either LCD direct view or plasma display technology. The newest Samsung's featuring the Gen 4 DMD and the pedestal stand are about 14" deep, but the pedestal base requires 20" of depth. I think that no matter how you cut it, whether you choose a pedestal or a conventional LCDRP/DLP stand, 20" of footprint depth will be required. If you want a display that will minimize (or eliminate entirely if wall mounted) the floor or bureau space necessary for the display, then plasma or LCD direct view are your best choices.

Addressing picture quality is much more subjective. All of the fixed pixel devices seem to lack some degree of “naturalness” (not a very technical term) visible in CRT based displays. Ghosting and trailing are evident in all LCD based designs (less apparent in rear projector) and black levels in plasma displays are lacking except in the most expensive models. DLPs seem to be the most “natural”, if you don’t suffer from the “rainbow” effect, but again are just not up to a quality CRT display. But then again, you can’t get any CRT displays that are in the 42”+ size range that will even fit on a bureau.

Life is a series of compromises, and choosing a wide screen display is as well.
Plasma, Large screen TV's are by far the most expensive. Tonyp, I have no idea where you got that idea. The Sony 55 inch XBR Plasma is $12,999. Pioneer Elite 50 inch Plasma is $8999.00 , A Panasonic 50 inch Plasma I see on sale at $5498.00.

Sony LCD 50 inch Grand Wega $3299.00 Toshiba DLP 52 inch $3499.00 . LCD and DLP are comparibly priced . Plasma is much higher for the same size screen .

I believe Plasma is the future in the context of I have heard so many people {non videophiles} {mass market that drives demand} telling me they would love to have a TV that they could "hang on the wall". Wives love that idea. Thats not to say DLP and LCD will not have a long life span. They IMO most certainly will. All three are still evolving technolgies . The kicker is right now at this moment all three are not necesarily yielding the very best picture quality. {some have motion artifacts issues } In fact in the last Home theater Large Screen TV shootout , The winner was a Toshiba CRT.
Hey Warren wait till after Cedia.Lotsa new video product will be shown..I am going Sept9th..Panasonic claims 19000hrs for their plasma to reach half brightness,the level the human eye can discern a difference. Sold lot of plasma tv's only one that needed service couldn't be serviced..it was dropped..Tom