EAD lovers: tell me about the $10K TM Sig Classic

I want to hear from any 'philes out there who have (or have heard) what some still say was EAD's best sounding prepro. Yeah, it was "only" a 20 bit machine, and it didn't have 5.1 analog bypass, but how would it compare to some of the newer stuff out there, like an Audio Refinement Pre-5 or McCormack MAP-1, or even a Krell HTS2 or 8800Pro? I'd like to get a feel for whether it could still hold up purely as a multichannel preamplifier, and what its sonic characteristics were like.
sorry so long to post. no the cal does not have a 5.1 analog bypass. it will only do 2 channel analog by-pass
You can get cal audio repaired though. Scott Morris in california was a factory repair facitlity. I own the cal and love it but it does lack 5.1 inputs.
Thanks for that info Michael. I wound up getting a used EAD Encore for a great price here on AgoN, and sent it in to Boelen Electronics (the place where many of the original EAD guys now call home). They are upgrading it to a Signature 8 - which has MC analog bypass - and will be doing their own set of magic mods to it. I'm hoping I'll get a nice sounding unit back. Others who have had them do mods to EAD gear seem to be quite pleased.