Sony amplification sufficient to drive GP Homes?

I have the Sony TAE-9000ES/TAN-9000ES and recently desire to upgrade the fronts to the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home. I already have the matching Solo Homes center. I am only concerned on the Sony not being able to drive the GP Homes to optimum. Will the Sony have ample power in reserve to create a great Home Theater environment with the GP Homes?

Any feedbacks would be most appreciated.
I am not familiar with your Sony, but have listened many times to SF GPH, those are really nice speakers. You should hear a difference with an upgraded receiver/amp. I heard them in a HT configuration once with a B&K seperates set-up which sounded great. What is your listening 2 channel vs. multi going to be? Also, what budget range are we talkiing about?
Hi Maineiac,

For 2-channel listening, I have the Plinius SA-100MkIII driving the SF GP Concerto which is the older model. Since the GPH require quality amplification, I guess the Sony is not up to the task and have ditched the plan of getting those speakers for my HT setup.

Thanks for responding anyway.
I wouldn't discount it altogether, just saying that it does sound good with better amplification. Since Hi Fi Buys aka Tweeter carry these, it would be pretty easy to test them at a store or even better bring them home (30 day return). Best of luck.